25 August 2021
The research project of the experts of the Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) — Professor Andrei Panibratov and Doctoral student Abdul-Kadir Ameyaw — has received the Best Paper Award.
The paper Foreign Direct Investment in Africa: a retrospective and agenda for future research was presented at the 16th Vaasa Conference on International Business in Finland in August 2021.
“Despite the increasing activity of the research on foreign direct investments (FDI) in international business, the literature on FDI in Africa is scant and suffers from disintegration, theoretical boundaries, and empirical vagueness, leaving important countenances uninvestigated. The purpose of this article is to reveal how much work has been done, what knowledge has been obtained, and what directions need to be taken for future FDI in Africa research”,
Andei Panibratov, Professor, Strategic and International Management, Chair, Research Committee, Director of Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business
At the conference hosted by Vaasa University, the manuscript Foreign Direct Investment in Africa: a retrospective and agenda for future research has received the Best Paper Award on the topic of emerging markets by the leading International Journal of Emerging Markets.
International Journal of Emerging Markets publishes rigorous theoretical and empirical research on emerging markets from multidisciplinary (economics, finance, marketing, and management) and multinational geographic perspectives. The journal has an Impact Factor of 2.067, a citation level of 2.7, and is included in the list of the leading journals by Association of Business Schools (ABS).
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