18 October 2019
Expert Analytical Center has released the Ranking of Entrepreneurial Universities and Business Schools—2019. According to a new study, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and St. Petersburg University (SPbU) and the Higher School of Economics were among the three leaders in the number of successful startups created by alumni. SPbU is also the first in the list by the total amount of investments attracted to startups.
In 2010-2019 St. Petersburg University alumni founded 89 startups, 26 of them are companies of GSOM SPbU alumni. The total number of investments attracted by the University alumni is almost 2 billion dollars. GSOM SPbU alumni made a significant contribution. For example, in 2016 Emil Urmanshin, Feiruz Ragimov, Robert Sargsian and Ruslan Fakhrutdinov launched a travel tech startup partner network of Roomp hotels, and in December 2017 attracted $ 250 thousand of investments.
Also, about a third of successful startups founders have a business education, and the majority are Russian business schools alumni. According to a study of The global visibility of business schools of the CIS countries—2019 by the Expert Analytical Center, the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University leads in the number of partnerships with foreign universities that have “first level” accreditation (76), it is on the second line in publishing activity in the field of management ( 226), and until 2019 it was the only Russian business school with the prestigious international accreditations institutional accreditation (AACSB). In 2019, the IBDA RANEPA was accredited by AACSB and Skolkovo LNA received the institutional accreditation by EFMD EQUIS.
The study is part of a comprehensive communications analytical project, which was launched in 2016 with the goal of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of Russian universities.
The initial analysis base of the “Ranking of Entrepreneurial Universities and Business Schools—2019” contained 260 thousand technology companies around the world, created in 2010–2019. An in-depth verification of data on the locations, names and samples of universities made it possible to identify 1,181 people as Russians who, in the indicated period, created 1,096 world-class startups. Among the founders of each startup there is at least one from Russian university. Universities, alumni of which was founded more than four startups , visible in the international bases Crunchbase, AngelList, Startup Ranking, were included in the ranking. In total, 39 Russian universities were included in the final ranking.
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