30 November 2021
Yury Blagov, Director of the Center for CSR at GSOM SPbU, took part in the “Rodnye Goroda” social investment forum organized by Gazprom Neft.
Yury Blagov spoke at the thematic session "Urban creativity". In his speech, he emphasized that the support of creative industries by companies is turning into an important tool for improving the socio-economic situation in the territories of their presence. At the same time, as a rule, it is the large city-forming companies that act as drivers of the formation of multilateral partnerships that unite regional and federal authorities, small businesses and non-profit organizations.
The event was also attended by Alexandra Boldyreva, Executive Director of the "Donors’ Forum" Association; Rustam Zakiev, Director of the Sustainable Business Development Department, UC RUSAL; Kirill Tsikun, Director of the Sustainable Development Department, Metalloinvest Management Company; Maria Kurnosova, Director for Brand, Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility, JSC OMK; Yulia Mitrofanova, Head of Public and Mass Media Relations, Gazprom Pererabotka LLC; Valentina Likhacheva, Director for Corporate Communications and Sustainable Development of the Sveza Group; Yulia Sanachina, Director of the Kontora Parokhodstva company, organizer of the Street Morphology Festival, Ambassador of the “Rodnye Goroda”.
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