10 March 2022
The research project of Svetlana Maslova, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration, Director of the PPP Center of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) "Sustainable development and infrastructure investment projects with the participation of St. Petersburg: transformation of the legal model of regulation" received funding from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF).
The project is aimed at modernizing the legal regulation of sustainable development and infrastructure investment projects with the participation of St. Petersburg, as well as filling the lack of research developments regarding the creation of a "sustainable" infrastructure and the implementation of "sustainable" investments in the context of the great challenge of increasing anthropogenic pressures on the environment and risks for life and health of citizens. The main objective of the project is to solve the fundamental problem of creating a methodological basis and improving the legal basis for the preparation and implementation of infrastructure investment projects with the participation of St. Petersburg that meet the requirements of "sustainability" and consistency with the goals of sustainable development and the national development goals of the Russian Federation.
The research team included a Master student of Smart City Management program of the Business School Viktor Eremin, candidate of legal sciences.
The results were announced following the results of the competition in the priority area of activity of the Russian Science Foundation "Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research by small individual research groups" (regional competition).
Nine research projects of St. Petersburg University and two from the Business School received the financiation.
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