29 March 2023
In March as part of the TalentUp! mentoring program, the Product Management Day was held at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU). Its goal was to inform students about the product management profession through real-life examples, answer questions on the topic, and help aspiring professionals choose their career path. A total of 202 students and alumni from the Graduate School of Management and other universities took part in the event.
During the main part of the event, GSOM alumni talked to the students about working as a product manager and shared useful resources, services, and tips for creating their own product. Each speaker highlighted one of the four aspects, so students were able to see the multifaceted nature of the profession:
Angelina Rychkova, a first-year Master programs' student at GSOM SPbU, said: "I want to express my sincere gratitude to the organizers and speakers of Product Management Day! It was very interesting for me to listen to real experts in product management since I myself plan to develop my career in this direction. I especially liked that the organizers and speakers tried to make the event useful for people with different backgrounds, covering topics from career start to practical life hacks for working as a product manager. I will be happy to participate in a similar event again!"
In the near future, the TalentUp! team will hold another career event — Data Science Day. Follow to the Vkontakte group to stay up-to-date on events.
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