22 March 2023
The Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) held the School of Manager, a specialized training session for 9-11 grade students. The project was implemented together with the Talent Academy and ART Lichnost company.
From 13 to 18 March high schoolers studied the marketing basics and tools, and then applied the knowledge they gained to solve the business case for Vkusvill. They got a unique opportunity to boost their professional skills and get to know in detail such concepts as time management, efficient teamwork, public speaking, presentations, etc. Senior Lecturer at the Marketing Department Olga Alkanova and doctoral students Ekaterina Nazarenko and Egor Starshov conducted classes prepared by GSOM SPbU.
"I had the luck to participate in the Manager's School specialized training session for the second time. For me it became a challenge and a great teaching experience with talented school students. This time the training exceeded my expectations thanks to my colleagues from GSOM SPbU, well-coordinated work of our partners Talent Academy and ART Lichnost, specialists from Vkusvill and SBS Consulting, and the high ability of the participants. I was glad that the guys managed not only to figure out the basics of marketing, but also to apply the new knowledge to develop realistic recommendations for Vkusvill, — shared Ekaterina Nazarenko, GSOM SPbU doctoral student, researcher and assistant of GSOM SPbU doctoral program academic director.
At the end of the training the participants prepared final projects based on Tilda website builder and presented them in the hybrid classroom at Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus. The committee for assessment of final projects consisted of GSOM SPbU representatives, including students of the Management Bachelor's program Polina Sypacheva and Maksim Sorokin, experts Nelly Sitnikova, Customer Service Manager at Vkusvill, and Yaroslav Kuznetcov, consultant at SBS Consulting specializing in retail.
"First of all, I would like to thank you for inviting me! It's been a very interesting experience. I was impressed that the guys are so young and already have such a good feeling of trends. Their projects were dedicated to issues that we consider areas for growth, too. The customer pain/problem approach really appealed to me, as well as the use of surveys and search of solutions in balance with the company efficiency. It is great that the guys worked in teams and presented the projects together. I believe that being able to hear and support each other is a crucial skill, — Nelly Sitnikova, Customer Service Manager at Vkusvill, shared her impressions.
"I would like to note the high level of final projects and the ability of the participants to clearly define the goal, apply the new knowledge and suggest interesting practical solutions to be implemented. Incredible openness of the participants to new knowledge, friendly atmosphere in class, teamwork, creative ideas — this is what energizes and motivates us for new sessions and other project for high school students", — Ekaterina Zamilova, Manager's School curator from the GSOM SPbU project office, summed up the results.
42 students of 9-11 grades from 37 schools, gymnasiums and lyceums took part in the spring session of the Manager's School. They were admitted based on the results of the competitive selection. 1.5 students competed for each place. |
"I liked everything. People are open, sociable and cheerful. With the knowledge I got I could enter a university right away. The lecturers are so great that I would go to GSOM SPbU only because of them", — shared Viktoriya Gognadze, a 10th grade student at School № 98.
"Thanks a lot for the training! I got an incredible experience, met a lot of new interesting and motivated people. I am especially grateful to Ekaterina Andreevna (Nazarenko) and other lecturers. You helped me to boost many skills", — told Darya Maksimenko, a 10th grade student at the Saint Petersburg Gymnasium № 2.
"I'd like to express my gratitude to all my colleagues for this week. Ekaterina Andreevna (Nazarenko) and other lecturers, thank you for the classes and knowledge you shared with us. This was the greatest week in my life!" — Sofiya Didenko, a 10th grade student at School № 319, shared her impressions.
For reference
GSOM SPbU is a leading Russian business school created on the basis of the Saint Petersburg State University, one of the oldest Russian universities, a large scientific, educational and cultural center. It is the only Russian business school triple-accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA independent associations and it is among 1% of the best world's business schools having such accreditation. It is an acknowledged center of research and education in the area of management. The GSOM SPbU Advisory Board includes leaders of companies, government agencies and the international academic community.
Talent Academy is one of the leading education centers in Saint Petersburg with a special environment for creativity and multifaceted development of school students and teachers. The Academy has the status of a Regional Center for the Discovery and Support of Gifted Children, cooperates with the Talent and Success Foundation and Sirius Educational Centre.
ART Lichnost is the center for child development and career guidance for adolescents from 9 to 17 years old. The main goal of the project is to help school students to make the right choice of their future profession on their own, reveal children's personal qualities and fulfill their creativity. ART Lichnost implements several activities: profession camp for children, development of interactive career immersion programs — games and trainings.
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