22 March 2023
On March 28, a session of the MCF mentoring club, a specialized mentoring program for Master in Corporate Finance Program (MCF) students of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), will take place. The topic of the meeting is "Personal blog: where to start and how to achieve the goal." The speaker will be coach Irina Koritsa.
The previous meeting of the MCF mentoring club was devoted to "business etiquette". Representatives of KEPT company together with the audience figured out where, to whom and in what form business letters should be written, how to communicate with colleagues in social networks and instant messengers. The participants shared their experience of communicating with employers and their managers, also analyzed the scripts of successful incoming and outgoing letters, developed the structure of oral and written responses.
The event was attended by both students of the MCF program and applicants who are interested in joining the program. Mentors provided recommendations to everyone on how to speak confidently on the phone, respond to emails, and succeed in interviews. They also advised when and in what manner it is appropriate to discuss issues related to interacting with a manager. Attendees were given homework to try out these skills in both their work and studies.
The session of the MCF mentoring club on March 28 will be held at 18:00 on the campus on Volkhovskiy per, 3. Please sign up in advance with the MCF program assistant Alexander Bukunov in telegram @sasbukunov.
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