11 April 2023
On April 8th, at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), Dmitry Yalov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of Leningrad Region and Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development and Investment Activities, gave a guest lecture on the progress and peculiarities of developing public-private partnership (PPP) projects in the region.
Students of the Public Administration Bachelor program and the Smart City Management he Master program at GSOM SPbU learned about legal mechanisms for increasing the attractiveness of PPPs, as well as the functions and directions of authorized bodies in the field of PPPs. The speaker discussed current and future PPP projects in Leningrad Region and the specifics of planning and fulfilling obligations of the concessionaire (public partner) under concession agreements. Students also discussed with Dmitry Yalov the practical application of key aspects of structuring PPP projects, which they study in the discipline "Public Private Partnerships."
"Guest lectures are an important part of the process of studying PPPs at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University, as we are not only focused on providing theoretical knowledge about PPPs, but also on introducing students to the existing realities of the PPP market and guiding them on how and in what directions it will develop. Guest lectures are a unique format for conducting PPP classes, where speakers share their unique experience in structuring projects, the most interesting cases, and talk about the competencies that are in demand in the field of PPPs and will be useful to students in building a successful career," said Svetlana Maslova, Director of the PPP Research Center at GSOM SPbU.
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