28 April 2023
Students from the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) took part in a pilot of a new format for the "VTB Innovations Laboratory" case championship. The event was held online for the first time on the VTB Education platform and in an inter-university format with teams from several universities, including GSOM SPbU, Smolensk State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism (SGUS), and Cherepovets State University (ChSU).
GSOM SPbU was the first in Russia to implement the ESG agenda as one of the priority areas in its research, educational, and operational activities. The ESG topic is integrated into undergraduate, graduate, MBA, and EMBA programs. That is why the theme of the Laboratory became environmental initiatives. Based on the existing eco-initiatives of VTB Bank, 28 participating teams developed algorithms for the development of one of VTB Bank's environmental initiatives, either the restoration of the bison population in the Smolenskoe Poozerye National Park or the reforestation of land in Russia as part of the existing project "Give a forest to a friend!"
The involvement of students from all three universities in working on cases during the Laboratory confirmed that the Zoomer generation is seriously concerned about the future of our planet and sustainability issues, thinking about the future in terms of sustainable development and taking into account the interests of future generations. Today's students demand more responsibility, both social and environmental, from future employers. Therefore, companies that change their corporate values to meet the demands of young employees will win the race for talent. Several ideas proposed by the finalist teams of the Laboratory will be taken into account in the work of VTB Bank's environmental initiatives.
The winners of the Laboratory are:
2 - Amigas, GSOM SPbU
Special nomination "Eco-activists" was awarded to the participating teams: Steams and Ninja Turtles (South Ural State University) and ESG Strategies and Ecobuffer (Chelyabinsk State University).
We sincerely congratulate the finalists of the Laboratory on their well-deserved victory and thank all the teams for their creative approach and commitment to environmental responsibility!
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