4 May 2023
The Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) with support from the Federal Educational and Methodological Association held the 26th annual nationwide research and methodological conference "Pashkus Readings".
This year the event covered such topics as the results of research concerning the experience gained during COVID-19 pandemic, integration and development of the digital learning environment and empirical estimation of digitalization results.
Yury V. Pashkus — Founder and Dean of School of Management (Graduate School of Management since 2007) SPbSU, eminent Russian scholar in finance management. Since 1996 the traditional Pashkus Readings have been held at GSOM SPbU. In such a way the faculty and researchers commemorate Y. V. Pashkus and his contribution to the creation of the Business school. |
The relation between teaching methods and modern students' profile was discussed at the panel discussion "The Image of a Student of the Main Educational Programs (the Results of Generation Z Research). Elena Nikishina, Associate Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, presented the results of research concerning the values and motivation of students born after 1995 initiated by the Faculty of Economics of MSU, Lanit Group and the Institute of National Projects. The study was based on a complex of methods: focus groups, in-depth interviews, quantitative sociological survey, statistical data analysis, etc. Students from 16 universities took part in the research. Survey results have shown that irrespective of university or major, students are mainly motivated by a positive atmosphere in the classroom and meaningful feedback from professors.
Elena Nikishina, Associate Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University:
"We wanted not only to undertake research concerning the young generation of students, but also to find out what it means to the learning process. In particular, the research has shown that, when working with students, it is very important to specify the "game rules" and explain why they are like that, explain what for the course is and what types and formats of activity you use, apply various types of materials and learning formats, use interactive activities, teach efficient practices of teamwork, and at the same time remember about the clear evaluation criteria for different types of works, meaningful feedback and creation of opportunities for students to build their personal development tracks. Also, it is important to know that modern students respect teachers not for their status per se, but for their professionality. The research has shown that modern students do not need a completely new system of motivation, but improvement of some of its elements may increase the efficiency of the learning process. Apart from that, when building a motivation system for students, it is important to take into account not only generation, but also professional, country and regional features".
The need for different learning formats became stronger since the beginning of the pandemic, when education digitalization became noticeable. At the round table "Digital Environment and Online Learning Integration Opportunities" the participants shared their experience — how different universities went through this stage, what difficulties they were facing when introducing digital services into the learning process and why it is important for a university to use a unified digital environment.
Anna Koltsova, Associate Professor at the Saint Petersburg State University:
"Good electronic shell solves many various questions, including organizational ones. We stand for a uniform digital environment – general ecosystem. If there's a unified recommendation from the university, it will be easy for a professor to start using certain services, including those related to teaching methods. This makes both our lives and students' lives easier. A different matter is that at their classes professors may choose appropriate and convenient tools depending on the aim, for example, to organize interactive activities.
The participants of the conference also noticed that we have to distinguish such terms as digitalization and online learning. Digitalization has a much wider meaning — it's using various software, applications and other electronic resources for learning remotely and offline in university classrooms. By comparison, online learning is just a part of the general digitalization process.
When discussing a student's learning track, it is important not to forget about building up the new generation's professional competences already during the learning process. This topic was covered at the round table "The Role of Practice in Teaching Economics and Management". Irina Teleshova, FUMO Academic Secretary, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, spoke about the aims, forms and challenges of practical training:
"One of the objectives of the new model of education system is providing a practice-oriented learning process for students. Today, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of higher education, practical activities are an obligatory element of educational programs. However, practical activities are crucial, but not the only component of a wider concept — practical training, which may also be implemented as part of disciplines or other components of educational programs. The issues of aims, content, forms and methods of practical training become especially relevant when developing and implementing programs that provide the student with an opportunity to get academic and professional competences. This range of issues will soon become a subject for discussion of a specially created FUMO task group".
At the end of Pashkus Readings the participants visited GSOM SPbU campus on Vasilievsky Island, the historical Arthur B. Schultz building, with a guided tour.
The Pashkus Readings conference is part of the 30th anniversary celebration of the Graduate Schools of Management of SPbU and is dedicated to GSOM SPbU founder Yu. V. Pashkus. It is held together with the Federal Educational and Methodological Association (FUMO) in the field of higher education for the integrated group of programs 38.00.00 "Economics and Management". |
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