11 August 2023
Maxim Shlegel, an alumnus of the Graduate School of Management St Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), won “Russian leaders” competition for managers, the flagship project of the presidential platform “Russia is a Land of Opportunities” according to the лидерыроссии.рф website.
Maxim Shlegel is the winner of the fourth season of the contest. He and his team developed the concept of explainable artificial intelligence, the logic of which is understandable to a person and is editable at any stage. At the same time, a person can edit the logic initially built by the machine without spending millions on it and without collecting a huge amount of materials in order to remake the robot. This method of machine learning is applicable for managing business processes and entire enterprises in the future.
He was engaged in the project of creating explainable AI with the support of his mentor in the “Russian leaders” competition, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov.
“During discussions with the team of the Labor productivity department of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, it was decided that digital departments should work on the principles of explainable AI. We set out to make a robot-assistant to the manager who will manage affairs in the direction of hiring personnel and purchasing activities, ”Maxim Shlegel.
Maxim and his team have already started designing digital services that will allow managing entire processes in enterprises. In 2025, the developers plan to introduce a digital department model for HR and purchasing.
More information can be found here.
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