27 November 2024
On 28 February 2024, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin approved new ‘Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation (Executive Order No 145, dated 28 February 2024). The Strategy determines purposes, main objectives and priorities of the country’s scientific and technological development up to 2030, stipulates areas of the state policy in this area and measures to implement them.
The purpose of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation is to ensure the country’s sovereignty and competitiveness based on the creation of an effective system of building and fullest use of the nation’s intellectual potential.
This goal should be achieved through addressing a number of major tasks: creating the facilities to identify talented young people and building a successful career in the field of science; creating the facilities to conduct research and development meeting the current principles of organising scientific, scientific-technical, innovative activities and the most sound global practices; forming an effective communication system in the field of science, technology and innovations; establishing an effective modern management system in the field of science, technology and innovations, developing a model of international scientific-technical cooperation and international integration in the field of research and technological development enabling to protect the identity of the Russian scientific sector and national interests based on the mutually beneficial interaction.
A fundamental principle of the state policy in the field of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation is the targeted support and fare competition: the use of public mechanisms to provide access to the state infrastructural, financial and non-financial resources to the most productive research teams.
The Strategy highlights the special status of the basic science underlining the key role of basic research in preparing the national scientific and technological sector to address great challenges.
Academic and research departments and maintenance services will have to update their activities in accordance with the goals, objectives and priorities set-forth by the Strategy. In this regard, it is required:
Due to the special importance of this document, it is advisable to entrust the heads of academic and research departments to organise discussions of the main provisions of the Strategy (goals, objectives, principles, priorities, etc.) in relation to the profile and subject field of R&D activities of the institute or faculty at dean/director meetings or meetings of academic councils.
Sergey Mikushev, Vice-Rector for Research
N. Skvortsov, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology
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