19 April 2016
InternationalResearch Seminar of The Center for the Study of Emerging Market and Russian Multinational Enterprises of Graduate School of Management SPbU took place on April 14, 2016. Andrei Yu. Panibratov, Doctor of Science, Professor of Strategic and International Management Department SPbU initiated and moderated the seminar.
The employees and students taking part in the work of the Center, presented the results of research of various aspects of the Russian and Chinese organizations.
During the seminar such issues as investments from China and Russia, Russian companies investing in China, talent management, knowledge management and technology development, opportunities for business cooperation were presented.
These are presented reports:
Ermolaeva L. presented results of research conducted written in collaboration with professor Panibratov A. “Outward investments from China and Russia: Macroeconomic and institutional perspective”.
Selivanovskih L., Research Assistant of the Center presented theoretical part of research “Talent management and absorptive capacity: The comparative view of China and Russia”, conducted together with Latukha M., Veselova A., Assistant Professor of Operations Management Department talked about data and preliminary results.
“The role of knowledge and technology in Russian strategy of Chinese companies” was presented by Tianrong Lai, Master student of GSOM.
Veselova A., Assistant Professor of Operations Management Department presented her view on formal and informal institutions in Russia and China and opportunities and obstacles for Sino-Russian business cooperation, prepared together with Veselova L., researcher, specialist in China history.
Ignatieva O., Master student of GSOM presented research “Russian companies investing in China: Comparative analysis of Special Economic Zones and overall China”.
SPbU professors, doctoral students and all, interested in Russian-Chinese business cooperation took part in the Seminar. It provided a room for lively scientific discussion.
The Seminar working language was English.
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