11 April 2016
The seminar “Problems and Challenges of PPP/PFI Projects in Japan” organized by Japan Center for Development of Trade and Economic Relations and the Center for PPP Studies GSOM SPbU was held on April, 7 in Graduate School of Management.
During the seminar Yoshida Jin, director of the Asian Business Development Department in Daiwa Institute of Research, highlighted the history of PPP development in Japan, indicated similarities and differences of approaches to PPP in Russia and Japan and identified reasons for success and failure in a number of particular projects. Mr. Yoshida in his report managed to combine deep theoretical discussion of problems of PPP development with detailed practical analysis of PPP projects in the field of healthcare, education and utilities.
After the presentation active discussion of questions raised was held with participation of specialists of the Center for PPP Studies, students of professional training program “Management in Healthcare” implemented within the framework of Presidential Program and students of bachelor and master programs.
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