22 April 2024
On April 4, 2024, Yury Blagov and Diana Dmitrieva, representatives of the Department of Strategic and International Management at SPbU GSOM, made scientific reports at the round table “Global socio-ecological-economic transformations and sustainable development”, held as part of the program of the IX St. Petersburg Economic Congress SPEC- 2024 “Promising integration processes in the global economy: noo-approach.” The Congress was organized by the Institute of New Industrial Development named after S.Yu. Witte with the support of the Free Economic Society of Russia.
Yury Blagov presented the report “Sustainable Development and the Evolution of the Corporate Sustainability Concept.” Emphasizing the need for a systematic approach to analyzing the interaction of business with society and nature, the speaker proposed considering corporate sustainability as a balanced response of an enterprise to the expectations of stakeholders, primarily the investment community, within the framework of the so-called “ESG agenda”.
Diana Dmitrievna presented a report on the topic “Sustainable development of the Arctic mineral resources complex: interaction between the state, regions and business.” Particular attention in the report was paid to the issues of increasing the efficiency of intersectoral interactions as the most important condition for the successful development of the Arctic.
For more information about SPEC-2024, see
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