The Conference is organized by Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Center for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The key conference themes include (but are not limited to) current situation and prospects for development of doctoral programs in logistics in higher education of the Russian Federation; standards of MBA and executive education in logistics and supply chain management; research in international logistics and supply chain management (peculiarities of outsourcing development in Russia, “green logistics”, integrated logistics systems in transportation, logistics of multimodal transportation, container shipping, etc.).
The conference is organized in the framework of the 20th Anniversary of the Graduate School of Management SPBU. The aim of the conference is to share best practices of attracting and developing young talents, and cooperation between universities and companies. Participants of the conference are HR representatives from leading Russian and international companies, as well as SPBU representatives. The format of the conference includes a panel discussion and 2 round tables with presentations, Q&A sessions, and interactive discussions.
“Future Management’13” Conference is an innovative project, not only in Russia but also abroad being a unique venue for meetings of talented Russian students from around the world and the leading Russian companies for their future cooperation. The Conference is organized by SPbU GSOM Students. The conference theme for 2013 is "Intellectual capital as source of competitive advantages for the leading Russian companies in turbulent environment"
This annual conference started in 2007, jointly with the Department of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes (AM&CP SPbSU) and the International Society of Dynamic Games (Russian chapter). Every year 80-90 leading researchers, including no less than 50% of foreign researchers participate in the conference. The conference is widely known due to the participation of Nobel laureates such as Professor R. Aumann (the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in2005) in 2007, Professor J. Nash (the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in1994) in 2008, Professor R. Selten (the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in1994) in 2009 and Professor R. Myerson (the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2007) in 2011.
Graduate School of Management SPbU will hold an International Regional Research Conference of European Marketing Academy (EMAC Regional 2013) “Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies”. The topics include the issues of marketing theory in emerging markets.
Graduate School of Management SPbU hosts 2013 EFMD Conference on Undergraduate Management Education. The theme of the Conference is “Vision 2020: The Undergraduate Management Education Programme of the Future”. The Conference target group includes directors of undergraduate programmes in management and related areas such as finance, marketing etc. as well as programme administrators and staff from EFMD member and non-member schools concerned with undergraduate programmes.
This annual conference is being held every year in memory of the first Dean of the Department of Management SPbSU, Professor Yuri Pashkus (1939-1996). In some years among participants of the conference there were leading Russian scientists – member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. Polterovich (Central Economic and Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS)), professors B. Milner (Institute of Economics, RAS), V. Tambovtsev (Lomonosov Moscow State University), O. Tretiak and S. Filonovich (National Research University - Higher School of Economics) and others.
This annual conference was started in 1998, jointly with the Association for Studies in Public Economics (ASPE). There have been a few years where among the participants of the conference there were such leading Russian and foreign researchers as: academician V. Makarov (Central Economic and Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (CEMI RAS)), professors S. Avdasheva (SU-HSE), V. Tambovtsev and A. Shastitko (Lomonosov Moscow State University), A. Zaostrovtsev (The International Centre for Social and Economic Research "Leontief Centre"), A. Nada (Paris – Sorbonne University), J. Jane (University of Tartu, Estonia), R. Bilyana (University of Niss, Serbia).
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