The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) was established in 1975. EMAC is a professional society for people involved or interested in marketing theory and research. Its aims are to serve as core of a communication network for disseminating information and promoting international exchange in the field of marketing. Membership is open to individuals from Europe and elsewhere. At present, the Academy has over 1000 members from more than 57 different countries in all five continents. EMAC also organizes an Annual Conference that is hosted by major universities or scientific institutes all over Europe. This provides a yearly forum for the presentation and discussion of research projects in various stages of development. In conjunction with this Annual Conference, a Doctoral Colloquium for students in marketing is held during the same week at the same place. Several other conferences are organized in cooperation with other leading marketing associations.
Submission of papers: April 15, 2013
Notification of authors: June 17, 2013
Early bird registration: August 15, 2013
Regular registration: September 1, 2013
Doctoral Seminar: September 25, 2013
EMAC CEE Regional Conference: September 26-27, 2013
The first steps toward establishing EMAC CEE Regional Conference go back to 2007 when a group of scholars from the region gathered at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor (Slovenia) and created a forum that attracted researchers dealing with market development issues. The conferences titled Marketing Theory Challenges in Transitional Societies – MTC were organized in the two consecutive years in Zagreb, Croatia (2008) and again in Maribor, Slovenia (2009). In 2009, in line with the EMAC policy regarding extensions of its activities, it was agreed that MTC will continue to exist under a new title – EMAC CEE Regional Conference – Marketing Theory Challenges in Emerging Societies. The first EMAC CEE Regional Conference (4th MTC) was organized at Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary 2010, followed by the 5th MTC at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania 2011 and the 6th MTC at the University of Belgrade, Serbia 2012.
Program Committee Chair:
Sergey P. Kushch, Deputy Dean, Professor, Head of Marketing Department, St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management, Russia
Program Committee Members:
Organizing Committee Chair:
Maria M. Smirnova, Associate Professor, Marketing Department, St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management, Russia
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