Contemporary business environment simultaneously poses a variety of challenges and opens a number of opportunities to entrepreneurial firms. As a result, SMEs are forced to look for new models of strategic behavior aimed at maintaining their competitiveness in a complex external environment as well as leverage arising contingencies in a more flexible manner. This track welcomes papers to foster discussion on the following topics (the list is not exhaustive):
The track will open with a roundtable “Предпринимательство и стратегическое поведение фирм малого и среднего бизнеса в период кризиса” (Working language-Russian). The roundtable will be devoted to discussion of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) evidence on entrepreneurial activity in Russia as compared to other countries, followed by an open dialog with entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Oleksiy Osiyevskyy, PhD
Title of the talk: The role of disciplined entrepreneurship for thriving in a new fragmented world
Dr. Oleksiy Osiyevskyy is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary and Academic Director of the Global Business Futures Initiative. In his scholarship, Dr. Osiyevskiy concentrates on the problem of achieving and sustaining firm growth through successfully engaging in entrepreneurial strategies. Particular areas of expertise include analyzing and designing innovative business models, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of corporate innovation practices, and evidence-based strategies for developing high-growth new ventures.
Tatiana Manolova, DBA
Title of the talk: Gender effects on the path from entrepreneurial education to entrepreneurial intentions among STEM students in emerging markets
Prof. Tatiana Manolova is a Professor of Management at Bentley University, Waltham, MA.
Research and teaching interests include strategic management, international entrepreneurship, and management in transition economies. She is currently affiliated with Diana International, a collaborative project which investigates the growth and financial strategies of women-led businesses worldwide. Prof. Manolova serves on three journal editorial boards, the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Board of Reviewers, and is a Consulting Editor for the International Small Business Journal.
October, 7 (Th.) 10 am - 11.30 am
Working language - Russian
Владимир Рогозин, генеральный директор студии иностранных языков «Анеспа»
Петр Лобанов, со-основатель проекта «Бюро - Бургеры и Бар»
Эльнара Петрова, основатель и руководитель “Aгентства экспертного маркетинга NextMedia”
Людмила Булавкина, основатель Edyes, бизнес-ангел, наставник и преподаватель по предпринимательскому мышлению
Рамиль Хантимиров, со-основатель и CEO StormWall (сервис DDoS защиты)
Круглый стол откроется презентацией результатов проекта «Глобальный мониторинг предпринимательства» (GEM) в России в 2020 году
Moderators: Ольга Верховская, доцент кафедры стратегического и международного менеджмента ВШМ СПбГУ, исследователь Центра предпринимательства ВШМ СПбГУ, руководитель российской команды проекта «Глобальный мониторинг предпринимательства» (GEM)
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