Maria M. Smirnova
Marketing as a discipline, area of studies, and practical field is facing constant renewal related to the globalization and digitalization of businesses, ever-fragmenting consumer markets, and growing pressures of accountability. Furthermore, many of the traditional models and frameworks in marketing need to be redesigned for emerging markets settings, to better capture the specificities of such markets that are continuously growing their importance to the global economy.
The track calls for submissions in various areas of marketing, including marketing theory, strategy, consumer behaviour, industrial marketing, international marketing, marketing research, and marketing analytics, with a focus on contemporary developments.
October, 8 (Fr.) 3 pm - 5 pm
Working language - Russian
Moderators: Мария Михайловна Смирнова, Заведующий кафедрой маркетинга, Доцент кафедры маркетинга, Директор Центра стратегического маркетинга и инноваций ВШМ СПбГУ
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