We welcome you to participate in the online Joint Symposium organised by GEM&L, an international research group on management and language (https://geml.eu/), and GSOM SPbU to discuss an urgent topic of how to bridge research and teaching.
Topic of the Symposium: “Language in International Business: Synergies between research, teaching and management practices”
Sierk Horn is Professor for Business Communication and Intercultural Competence at Munich University of Applied Sciences.
He has worked in various roles in European and Asian Business Schools and as a senior executive in Euro-Asia commercial semiotics. He holds a PhD in Japanese Studies and a Habilitation on Cross-Cultural Management from Freie Universität Berlin. Much of his work takes the perspective of the resilience of individuals and organisations.
Vadim Klimachev
Vadim Klimachev is Head of International Cooperation and Associate Professor at Gazprom Corporate Institute. He has previously headed the Department of English for Business Purposes and provided methodological support to a wide range of business communication courses and activities at Moscow Institute of Linguistics. He holds a PhD in World Economy from Russian State University of Trade and Economics (now part of Russian National University of Economoics). Vadim has co-authored the concept of corporate language training at Gazprom Group and has been supervising its implementation across the company since 2012.
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