Yulia Nikolaevna Aray
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management. Academic Director, Master in Management Program
Yury Evgenievich Blagov
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management Director of the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Director of the "Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs" program
Karina Alexandrovna Bogatyreva
Associate Professor, Strategic and International Management Department, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship. Academic Director, Doctoral Program
Ioannis Christodoulou
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management, CEMS Academic Director
Vasiliy Konstantinovich Dermanov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic and International Management
Diana Mikhailovna Dmitrieva
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Liubov Andreevna Ermolaeva
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management, Academic Director, Bachelor of Management Program
Olga Leonidovna Garanina
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management. Academic Director of Master in Smart City Management Program
Tatyana Nikolaevna Klemina
Senior Lecturer, Head, Department of Strategic and International Management
Klishevich Daria Sergeevna
Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Anastasiya Kirillovna Laskovaya
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Andrey Yurievich Panibratov
Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management. Director, Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business
Sergey Alexandrovich Starov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic and International Management
Olga Rafailovna Verkhovskaya
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Rafik Smara
Assistant of the Department of Strategic and International Management