Anastasiya Kirillovna Laskovaya

Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management

Anastasiya Kirillovna Laskovaya

Management (seminars), Russian (Bachelor program)

Change management, Russian (Bachelor program)

Change management, English (Master program)

Business process management in changing times, Russian (МВА)


  • 2019 – Candidate of Science (Economics), St. Petersburg State University
  • 2014-2017 – Doctoral Program, Economics & Management of National Economy, Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg University.
  • 2008-2013 – Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Finance, St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Specialist diploma, specialization – “Finance and credit”.


  • Decision-making process
  • New venture creation
  • Student entrepreneurship
  • Effectuation
  • Startup teams
  • Sustainable entrepreneurship


Membership in professional associations:

Professional trainings:

Project activity


Papers in Academic Journals




  1. Shirokova G., Laskovaia A. 2017 Effectuation and Causation as the Mediators of the Relationship between Cultural Value Orientations and New Venture Performance. Russian Management Journal, 15(4): 397–424.
  2. Beliaeva T., Laskovaia A., Shirokova G. 2016. Entrepreneurial Learning and Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Role of National Culture. Russian Management Journal, 14(1): 59-86.
  3. Shirokova G., Laskovaia A. 2015. Effectuation concept: stages of development and the main areas of research. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg State University. Management series, 2: 3-38.
  4. Laskovaia A. 2015. The theoretical foundations of effectuation and its place in the strategic management theory. Management in Russia and Abroad, 3: 26-32.






16 November 2022 | All news | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна | Центр карьер
Director of the Alexandrinsky Theater Told GSOM SPbU Students about the Specifics of Creative Project Management

Sergey Emelyanov, director of the Alexandrinsky Theater met with the students of the Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU). The event became one of the highlights of Management Career Week 2022: Autumn. Olga Dergunova, Deputy President and Chairman of VTB Bank Management Board, GSOM SPbU Director moderated the discussion

5 April 2022 | All news | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна
GSOM SPbU Associate Professor told about opportunities in times of crisis for Expert North-West

The experience of intrapreneurship—supporting the entrepreneurial spirit within enterprises—can be an important factor in developing entrepreneurial intentions and creating new businesses. This factor is especially important in countries with a high level of development of "facilitating" institutions.

30 March 2022 | All news | Богатырева Карина Александровна | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна
Research by experts from the Center for Entrepreneurship at GSOM SPbU was published in one of the leading international journals of the ABS list

The experience of intrapreneurship—supporting the entrepreneurial spirit within enterprises—can be an important factor in developing entrepreneurial intentions and creating new businesses. This factor is especially important in countries with a high level of development of "facilitating" institutions.

13 January 2022 | All news | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна
Associate professor at GSOM SPbU became an expert at WorldSkills Russia Academy

Associate Professor Anastasia Laskovaya became an expert in the demonstration exam in the Technological Entrepreneurship competency at the WorldSkills Russia Academy.

27 December 2021 | All news | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна | Голубева Анастасия Алексеевна | Петрова-Савченко Анастасия Андреевна | Международные связи | Bachelor programs
Time Capsule: GSOM SPbU freshmen set goals for 4 years of studying at GSOM SPbU

First-year Bachelor students of the Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) formulated their goals for the next four years of study at the Business School at the Time Capsule event.

25 October 2021 | All news | Conferences | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна
GSOM SPbU experts took part in Science Bar Hopping

Experts from the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) took part in Science Bar Hopping in Moscow. The event took place on October 25, 2021.

11 October 2021 | All news | Алканова Ольга Николаевна | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна | Андрианов Александр Юрьевич

One of the key events for the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) was creating a hybrid learning format last year. The business school has found such a successful response to the pandemic challenge that it is now being introduced into everyday "peaceful" practice. How was it? Here we call on the participants of the HYBRID LEARNING project.

16 August 2021 | All news | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна
Anastasia Laskovaya, Associate Professor of GSOM SPbU, has been appointed Academic Director of the Bachelor in Management program

Anastasia Laskovaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Management GSOM SPbU, has been appointed Academic Director of the Bachelor in Management program. 

9 July 2021 | All news | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна
Anastasia Laskovaya gave a lecture at the Archipelago 2121

Anastasia Laskovaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Management, GSOM SPbU, researcher at the Center for Entrepreneurship and tracker of technology startups, delivered a lecture during the project and educational intensive Archipelago 2121.

27 June 2021 | All news | Ласковая Анастасия Кирилловна

Anastasia Laskovaya, Assistant of the Department of Strategic and International Management, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), took part in the work of the team of organizers and the methodological commission of the SPbU Olympiad on Technopreneurship for high school students.

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Anastasiya Kirillovna Laskovaya
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