Professors of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University told about the benefits of learning at the Business School at the Saint Petersburg Scientific and Educational Salon. The largest event demonstrating educational, research and innovation activities of the city's educational institutions took place from 1 to 3 December at the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center
EdCrunch Reload: Merging Minds and Technology — a leading international conference on education and new technologies — took place on 23–24 November 2022 in Kazakhstan
Yuriy Blagov, Director of the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, Olga Alkanova, Head of the Teaching Excellence Lab in Business Education and Zhanna Khomyakova, Head of the Department of Educational Initiative Analysis and Coordination, Risk Coordinator at VTB Bank, a strategic partner of the Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg University, became experts of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in Higher Education for the integrated group of programs 38.00.00 "Economics and Management"
A competition for teachers of educational divisions of the company's subsidiaries took place in Kaliningrad as part of PJSC Gazprom Labor Festival. Olga Alkanova, Head of the Teaching Excellence Lab in Business Education of GSOM SPbU and Elena Orlova, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages in Management at GSOM SPbU, took part in the event as experts: helped to evaluate the contestants' self-presentations and lesson plans designed using up-to-date technical aids and learning technologies.
Methodological workshop for professors "Research Results, New Knowledge and Methods in Teaching Business Disciplines: Agenda, Opportunities And Challenges" was held on September 9 under the aegis of the Research Committee and Teaching Excellence Lab in Business Education of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU)
Continuous improvement philosophy at GSOM SPbU implies constant enhancement of the academic programs to ensure that the Business School alumni gain up-to-date knowledge, skills and expertise and become competitive in the international labor market. GSOM Experts talk about the methods and results of The Assurance of Learning Committee's work.
The Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), with the support of VTB Bank, started its digital transformation in 2018. That is why the Business School was better equipped than others for the emergency shift to distance learning during the pandemic and became a pioneer in implementation of hybrid learning and teaching in the country
It is planned to enhance the hybrid format teaching methods and search for solutions of such timeless problems as student involvement and learning efficiency assessment. The details are in the interview with the mastermind and irreplaceable organizer of Knowledge Café, acting Head of the Department of Strategic and International Management, Tatiana Klemina.
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