The School of Manager session for students in grades 9–11 has ended at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University. The project was implemented by the Business School together with the Talent Academy.
On October 27, 2023, the XXVI MBA and DBA graduation ceremony “Graduation GSB-2023” took place in AlmaU (Kazakhstan).
Roman Shakhverdov, a manager of the Scientific and Educational Center “Digital Technologies in Education” at GSOM SPbU, spoke at the #OpenScience lecture at the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum 2023.
On October 19, 2023, Yury Blagov, director of the Center for CSR at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), as part of a federal-level experts group, took part in the introductory seminar of the “Cultural Mosaic: Partnership Network of the Leningrad Region” project. During the seminar, Yury Blagov explained the main tools for analyzing the organization's stakeholders and conducted group work aimed at practical testing of these tools.
Head of the Department of State and Municipal Management at GSOM SPbU, academic director of the bachelor’s program “Public and Municipal Management” Anastasia Golubeva took part in the XXI All-Russian Forum “Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia”.
On October 20, at the student conference “Management of the Future” at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University, expert events were held by the strategic partner - VTB Bank.
Russian business is actively looking for partners and exploring new territories. What difficulties do entrepreneurs face in new markets, and in which regions do they see the greatest prospects? These questions were discussed by participants in the session “New international markets: how companies respond to global challenges” at the “Management of the Future” conference at the Graduate School of Management of SPbU.
Interactive classes have long ceased to be a “new trend” and have become part of a teacher’s daily life. It often feels like creating engaging activities requires too much effort and time. However, there are techniques that can quickly diversify classes and increase student engagement. These are the tools that teachers from leading Russian universities and members of the Mehhod.GSOM community shared at the master class “How to make a lesson interesting: simple techniques that work.”
The Higher School of Management at SPbU conducted its annual study of the professional paths of the alumni who completed their education at the Business School from 2018 onward. It was revealed that a Business School alumnus is a highly paid middle-level manager in a large or super-large Russian company, ready to continue their education within the alma mater's walls.
A round table “Artificial intelligence in education: what to prepare for and how to prepare?” was held at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University. The researchers from St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, Far Eastern Federal University and corporate universities discussed the prospects and possible consequences of students and teachers using technologies such as ChatGPT.
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