On September 20 in Sochi, heads of universities and representatives of big business held a direct dialogue on the prospects of partnership and discuss the future of Russian education
On 19-23 August, the Graduate School of Management SPbU for the third time will host a Summer School (educational intensive) for russian and foreign teachers of higher education and corporate universities
The Strategy Commission of the GSOM SPbU Board of Trustees summarised the results of its work in the second quarter of 2024. Representatives of the Business School's partner companies, SPbU management and project supervisors met to discuss the results, priorities and development goals
The Pashkus Readings conference held by the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) was opened by the meeting of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association (FUMO) in the field of higher education. Representatives of 98 universities from all over the country gathered at the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus of Saint Petersburg University on April 26 to discuss current issues of development and implementation of economics and management educational programs
Experts from the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) will speak at the 7th Saint Petersburg International Labor Forum. The largest international event in the sphere of human capital development for company executives and employees, representatives of the scientific community and government agencies, experts and researchers from various fields will be held on March 15 — 17. Information on the Business School may be found on SPbU stand in ExpoForum
Olga Dergunova, Deputy President and Chairman of VTB Bank Management Board, GSOM SPbU Director, and Igor Remorenko, Moscow City University Rector, met at GSOM SPbU Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus to discuss new learning formats and implementation of advanced technologies in the learning process. Heads of GSOM SPbU strategic development areas and MCU vice-rectors took part in the event
Professors of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University told about the benefits of learning at the Business School at the Saint Petersburg Scientific and Educational Salon. The largest event demonstrating educational, research and innovation activities of the city's educational institutions took place from 1 to 3 December at the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center
Yuriy Blagov, Director of the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility, Olga Alkanova, Head of the Teaching Excellence Lab in Business Education and Zhanna Khomyakova, Head of the Department of Educational Initiative Analysis and Coordination, Risk Coordinator at VTB Bank, a strategic partner of the Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg University, became experts of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in Higher Education for the integrated group of programs 38.00.00 "Economics and Management"
A competition for teachers of educational divisions of the company's subsidiaries took place in Kaliningrad as part of PJSC Gazprom Labor Festival. Olga Alkanova, Head of the Teaching Excellence Lab in Business Education of GSOM SPbU and Elena Orlova, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages in Management at GSOM SPbU, took part in the event as experts: helped to evaluate the contestants' self-presentations and lesson plans designed using up-to-date technical aids and learning technologies.
Academic article Brand orientation, employer branding and internal branding: Do they effect on recruitment during the COVID-19 pandemic? by the experts from the Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) was published in the Journal of Business Research — an international ABS rated journal (level B)
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