20 September 2016
Irina V. Berezinets, Associate Professor of Department of Finance and Accounting, joined the Supervisory Board of PJSC «Bank URALSIB».
Irina Berezinets taught at GSOM SPbU «Basics of Econometrics», «Financial Modeling» (Bachelor Program), «Introduction to Statistics and Probability Theory», «Econometrics I» (postgraduate program), «Applied Econometrics» (Master program) and «Quantitative Methods of Decision Making» (EMBA program).
As a result of the annual GSOM SPbU Drucker Award Irina Berezinets was awarded as a best professor of Department of Finance and Accounting four times.
She is a member of Journal Editorial Boards at «Vestnik of St. Petersburg University. Management Series» and «Corporate Finance» Journal.
Professor was a member of European Academy of Management (EURAM) in 2011-2012 and European Finance Association (EFA) in 2010-2012. Irina V. Berezinets is a member of European Accounting Association (EAA) since 2007, Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) since 2010 and International Corporate Governance Society (ICGS) since 2015.
Good to knowThe GSOM SPBU pays special attention to cooperation with corporate partners. School Professors have practical and expert activities, which help them to give students the best knowledge and skills demanded by employers. According to statistics, about 7% of graduates of GSOM become employees of the banking sector. Among the partners of the School are VTB Bank (PJSC), Alfa Bank, JSC Citibank, BFA Bank and others. |
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