18 October 2016
The scientific school for young researchers “Innovations in Knowledge Management Practices” was held in GSoM SPbSU on October 10-11 with the financial support of Russian Science Foundation.
The scientific school started with the welcome speech of Tatiana A. Gavrilova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Information Technologies in Management of GSOM SPbSU, Head of the project "Innovations in Company Knowledge Management: Typology, Methodology and Recommendations (INNOVARRA)" supported by Russian Science Foundation. Tatiana A. Gavrilova gave an introductory lecture on knowledge articulation and structuring in the format of interactive workshop. |
40 young researchers took part in the scientific school, including 34 Russian researchers and 6 researchers from Austria, Germany, Ireland, and Italy. 20 Russian and international higher education institutions were represented.
Research school was held by the international team of lecturers from 4 leading universities from the following countries: Germany, Italy, France and Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm).
The first day of the research school ended up with a special session in which participants presented their research projects in the field of knowledge management, and received feedback from leading Russian and foreign experts and researchers.
The second day began with the discussion of knowledge management issues in different domains: Professor Kurt Sandkuhl, University of Rostock, Germany, presented a speech on knowledge management practices in public administration in Germany. Questions of strategic relevance of knowledge in the context of the organizations were later discussed in the lecture by Professor George Tovstiga, EDHEC Business School, France. Speech by Maria A. Molodchik, Associate Professor of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Perm, was devoted to the use of quantitative methods in knowledge management research.
Workshop on the second day was devoted to the semantic technologies in knowledge management and was held by Professor Vladimir F. Khoroshevskiy and Associate Professor Irina V. Efimenko (National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow).
The scientific school ended up with a panel discussion that gathered the leading Russian and foreign researchers and business practitioners. The discussion was dedicated to the development of knowledge management tools and knowledge management field as a whole.
The participants emphasized the high level of event organization, the quality of the presented material and, of course, high-competency of teachers and guest lecturers.
Head of School, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, Konstantin V. Krotov:
"The scientific school for young researchers “Innovations in Knowledge Management Practices” marks a new stage of development for Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University. This is the moment when the school becomes the center for dissemination and discussion of the latest research trends and perspectives." |
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