23 November 2016
Arina Dovzhenko (Dentons company' lawyer and chairman of a SPIBA Committee on real estate and construction) was the moderator of the round table. The report of the speaker "Mechanisms of PPI: what is interesting to the business" was presented to the participants of the round table with the main form of relations between business and the state in the creation of infrastructures and the provision of tours on the basis of its public services.
Tahir Suleymanov (Dentons' company lawyer) continued the topic of his colleague. The presentation by T. Suleymanov was devoted to a comparison of the institutions of special investment contracts and public-private partnership (PPP).
Yulia Antipova (lawyer of Capital Legal Services) has presented to the audience a presentation on "Private initiative in projects PPI: prospects and pitfalls" where the possibility of practical application of such an innovative tool for the development of PPP projects was considered as a private initiative.
Andrew Ivanov (Associate Professor, Deputy Director of GSOM PPP Research Center) has completed the round table with meeting report "The mainstream of the new public management: PP, PPP, PPI, et cetera, et cetera", where public procurement and PPP were presented as alternative ways of creating infrastructure and services population. |
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