9 March 2017
The textbook of Andrei Yu. Panibratov, professor of Strategic and International Management, “International Strategy of Emerging Market Firms: Absorbing Global Knowledge and Building Competitive Advantage” was printed by Routledge.
This book explains how emerging market firms accumulate and exploit market knowledge to develop competitive advantages whilst operating globally. Chapters dedicated to the key emerging economies - Brazil, Russia, India and China - are enhanced by detailed case studies of large firms’ activities.
The book is divided into four parts, focusing on the following: 1) An outline of the relevant terminology and the context of the international strategy of emerging market firms, providing an introductory foundation for the whole book. 2) A guide to the evolution of perspectives regarding international strategy, designed to illustrate the changes and trends in the recent academic research on internationalization. 3) A country-by-country illustration of the internationalization of BRIC economies and firms, providing an overall picture of each country’s global integration, outward investments, and strategies. 4) The concepts and practices behind the strategies employed by different firms. |
More detailed information about the book is here
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