11 April 2017
April 11, 2017 GSOM SPbU hosted a guest lecture by Senior Innovation & CX Consultant at Grant Thornton Israel Anna Pellivert. The lecture took place within the “Entrepreneurship” course for master students instructed by prof. Galina Shirokova and was focused on innovation by customer experience.
In the contemporary business environment, characterized by constant technological innovation, intense competition and disruption, organizations have to keep change and evolve fast in order to stay competitive and survive. “Many companies fail, not because they do something wrong or mediocre, but because they keep doing what used to be the right thing for too long, and fall victims to the rigidity of their business model” (Doz and Kosonen, 2009). In this regard, analysis of the practice of managing innovative projects and peculiarities of the methods for recognizing customer needs become especially relevant. |
Anna Pellivert, МВА
А graduate of GSOM SPbU, Recanati Business School of Tel Aviv University and Stockholm School of Economics. For ten years, she has been consulting companies and start-ups in the development of strategies for new products and services, creation of business models and raising of non-dilutive funding. Currently holds the position of a Senior Consultant in the international company Grant Thornton Israel.
One of the most relevant topics in the work to date is the Innovation by Customer Experience, which became the subject of the guest lecture. |
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