17 January 2019
On January 14, “Executive MBA — Strategic Management and Leadership” program participants started their studies in Almaty. The program was developed jointly by Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg State University and Graduate School of Business Almaty Management University (AlmaU).
The participants' cohort consists of 19 people. Their average age is 36 years. The majority of the cohort are top-managers of large and medium Kazakhstani companies representing financial sector, retail, telecommunications business, construction, oil, nuclear and pharmaceutical industries.
“Executive MBA — Strategic Management and Leadership program” was designed for managers and owners of companies who would like to reach a new level of management decision making. The program is unique as it combines best practices of Executive MBA program implementation both, in Russia and in Kazakhstan.
Program participants will study in a modular format. Most of the classes will take place on the AlmaU campus. In September 2019, participants will come to St. Petersburg for a two-week module. The program will end in September 2020.Based on the training results participants will receive SPbU and AlmaU diplomas.
AlmaU has been GSOM SPbU partner since 2017. Within the framework of this cooperation, the academic mobility project for Executive MBA is being implemented. Within two years, 45 GSOM EMBA participants and 12 AlmaU EMBA participants took part in this project.
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