3 May 2018
Tatyana Gavrilova and Dmitry Kudryavtsev took part in XXI Russian scientific conference "Engineering companies and knowledge management (KM & SP 2018)" on April 26-27, 2018 in Moscow.
Russian research conference "Enterprise Engineering and Knowledge Management" was conducted with the support of RFBR grant. The event was organized by: Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Plekhanov' Russian Economic University, educational and scientific center "Cybernetics", Russian association of artificial intelligence, training and advisory board for the program "Applied Informatics", Foundation for Support of System Design, Standardization and Project Management.
Tatiana A. Gavrilova (Professor, Head of Information Technologies in Management Department, GSOM SPbU) made a guest moderation of the section "Ontological Engineering and management of corporate knowledge in a dynamic business environment" and have presented the paper on the topic: "Fundamentals of the theory of visual models of knowledge: analysis of the works of Martin Eppler", prepared with the assistance of Elvira Y. Grinberg (GSOM SPbU doctoral student) and Аrtem I. Alsufyev (Assistant Professor, Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management Department).
Tatiana A. Gavrilova | Аrtem I. Alsufyev | Dmitry V. Kudryavtsev | Irina A. Leshcheva |
Dmitry V. Kudryavtsev (Associate Professor, Information Technologies in Management Department, GSOM SPbU) led the section, and also made a presentation on the topic: "Systems of knowledge organization: types and examples of use" (co-authored with Alyona M. Begler, GSOM SPbU doctoral student). Irina A. Leshcheva (Senior Lecturer, Information Technologies in Management Department, GSOM SPbU), has presented a paper: "A practical approach to the creation and filling of knowledge base of ontological type: issues and challenges."
Information support for the conference was provided by scientific journals: "Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making", "Open Education", "Applied Informatics", "Management Sciences".
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