8 November 2019
On October 25, at Volkhovskiy per, 3, the opening of the Talent Up! mentoring program took place. This year, the opening ceremony was attended by students participating in the program and mentors — in person and by video link.
On the opening day, participating students opened the envelopes with the names of their mentors. The event was personally attended by 12 mentors, and some joined by video link.
Mentors congratulated students with participation in the Talent Up! program. They talked about their experience and how they might be useful to participants. The event ended with networking games. Dodo Pizza company was partner of the event.
This year, 42 pairs of talented students and alumni working in the largest companies — McKinsey, BCG, Google, PWC, Yandex, Gazpromneft, VTB and many others — became participants in the program.
First time Talent Up! It was launched in 2013 at the initiative of the Alumni Association. Every year the program develops, opening up new opportunities. Talent Up! involves the participation of mentors in the professional and personal development of students. The mentors are GSOM SPbU alumni who have achieved professional success in various business fields.
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