14 May 2020
On May 11, 2020 Snezhana Muravskaiia (GSOM SPbU 3rd year doctoral student) has presented the results of the research within the framework of her doctoral thesis on the topic: “Influence of gamification in marketing on consumer behavior”. Scientific advisor: Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of Department, Marketing Department, Maria M. Smirnova.
The purpose of the study was to assess consumers' perceptions of modern methods of engagement such as gamification. In the struggle for the consumers’ attention, companies try to maximize their experience in interacting with a product or service, not always understanding how the process looks from the perspective of a consumer. During the study, it was proposed to evaluate the impact of gamification on behavioral intentions using a new construct - perceived gamification. Perceived gamification - the desire or ability of consumers to recognize the game in a marketing campaign. According to the results, the more consumers perceive and recognize the marketing campaign as gamified, the higher their desire to participate in this promotion and share information about the company, regardless of what game elements were used in the design of the promotion. The introduction of perceived gamification into the sequence “marketing impact - consumer - result” has made it possible to better explain the impact of the use of gamification tools on the formation of desired behavior. Using the proposed construct will allow us to reach a new level in studying the impact of interactive marketing tools on changing behavior among academics. For practitioners, evaluating the perceived gamification when launching new campaigns will allow to evaluate at the early stages to what extent consumers consider it gamified, therefore predicting the level of impact on behavioral intentions, including repeat purchases, word-of-mouth, etc.
Discussants Olga N. Alkanova, Candidate of Science (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Marketing Department, Johanna Pia Maria Frösén, PhD, Associate Professor, Marketing Department, took part in the seminar. Also, GSOM doctoral students and academic staff visited the seminar as attendees.
The seminar was moderated by Galina V. Shirokova, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management, Academic director of Doctoral program.
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