9 July 2020
Andrei Panibratov, professor at the Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), and Peter Gammeltoft, professor at the Copenhagen Business School, were selected as Guest Editors of a Special Issue of the International Business Review journal. The issue will focus on еmerging market multinationals and the politics of internationalization.
“The editorship assignment in leading academic journals is a sign of recognition of publishing expertise and research capability, and a confirmation of the highly-respected international reputation of such guest editors. In addition, the appointment as guest editors of highly-ranked journals increases the international reputation of business schools and the universities with which they are associated”, — commented Andrei Panibratov.
The special issue will include discussion of the following topics:
The deadline for manuscript submission for the special issue is June 1, 2021.
The International Business Review provides a forum where academics and professionals can share the latest developments and advances in knowledge and the practice of international business. The journal is ranked in the Association of Business Schools ABS (B-level); its 5-year impact factor is 4.373.
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