3 July 2020
Joan Freixanet, Associate Professor of the Marketing Department at the Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), together with Professor at the University of Girona, Gemma Renart, found out how early internationalization affects the development of small and medium-sized businesses in their research A capabilities perspective on the joint effects of internationalization time, speed, geographic scope and managers’ competencies on SME survival. The results of their study have been published in the Journal of World Business.
This study examines the effect of key internationalization contingencies on SME survival. Researchers argue that early internationalization increases the probability of firm failure, while international experience reduces it. However, the survival odds among international new ventures may be improved by their post-entry international expansion scope and speed, and by the competencies of their managers. These internationalization facets provide firms with opportunities to develop and exploit their resources and capabilities, and thus enhance their survival chances. The study analyzed the work of 271 enterprises operating in the period from 2005 to 2014.
The Journal of World Business is a premier journal in the field of international business. It publishes advanced studies that reflect important events in the global business environment and promote new theoretical directions and ways of thinking about global phenomena. The Journal of World Business has the highest category A in the list of leading journals of the Association of Business Schools (ABS).
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