12 September 2020
On November 11-21, 2020, the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) will hold the 7th International Emerging Markets Conference 2020. The conference will be held online for the first time.
The global business context has transformed markedly in recent years making companies, managers and scholars look for new ways to create and sustain competitive advantage in the conditions of turbulent and unpredictable environment. 2020 coronavirus lockdown brought about new challenges for business, governments and society. Thus, the search for the ways to transform uncertainty into a source of potential benefit is now on business and academic agenda and will be discussed at the 7th International Emerging Market Conference in 2020.
Conference tracks and events:
Doctoral Colloquium and Paper Development Workshop (November 9-10, 2020)
Online Joint Symposium “How to bridge research and teaching in the field of “Language-sensitive International Business” (November 17, 2020)
AI and big data in management: from Theory to Practice
Business in Society: Changing Paradigm and a New Reality
Emerging Economy Multinationals and the Politics of Internationalization
How do Emerging Markets Respond to the Environmental Challenges
Human Capital, Talent and Diversity
Human Resources and Culture within Corona Crisis
Knowledge Management and Decision Making
Marketing during & after COVID-19
Public Sector Issues
Strategic Finance and Corporate Governance
The event will take place on the Zoom platform. The official language is English. To participate in the conference, please, register on the website >>
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