2 November 2020
On 18 November 2020, at Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) during the 7th international conference «Emerging Markets-2020» researchers will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on development of human resources in local and transnational companies.
«Human Resource Management is a key aspect of Management, which impacts dynamics of development of a company: investments in employees and their potential affecting time frames and success in accomplishing strategic goals of a company. Development of human capital creates competitive advantages for the organizations in a constantly changing environment, and crisis is not a reason to stop this work. Internal training programmes and corporate culture help managers develop personnel even in difficult times», — told Elena Zavyalova, a track leader, Professor, Head of Department, Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management Department.
Within the track «Company’s human resources and culture at the time of coronacrisis» Fons Trompenaars, international consultant, coach, founder of THT Consulting, motivational speaker, will make a presentation entitled «Coronacrisis: cross-cultural analysis and effective methods for combating».
The 7th international conference «Emerging Markets-2020: new reality during and after СOVID-19» will be held from 11 to 18 November at GSOM SPbU in online format on the platform ZOOM. The conference is organized in partnership with The Academy of Business in Society (ABIS) — network uniting more than 100 companies and academic institutions, experience and resources of which are used for investing in sustainable development of business in society; Caux Round Table — international organization of business leaders, practising a value-based approach to global capitalism; GEM&L — international group of researchers, involved in language and communication issues in the business environment.
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