25 November 2020
The International Scientific and Methodological Center of St. Petersburg State University (ISMC SPbU) is launching a series of open esearch and academic webinars on Artificial Intelligence in Industry with the participation of leading foreign and Russian experts. The Center is created on the basis of the Graduate School of Management and the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of St. Petersburg State University.
Experts will talk about artificial intelligence in pharmaceuticals, medicine, semantic technologies and the creation of open ecosystems for the discovery of datasets.
On November 25 at 11:00 a webinar "Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceuticals" was held. Irina Efimenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Higher School of Economics, Founder and CEO of the Semantic Hub Company and Vladimir Khoroshevsky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Founder and Director of Science at the Semantic Hub spoke with the audience.
On November 27 at 2:00 p.m. Sören Auer, professor at Leibniz University (Germany), Co-founder of DBpedia, OpenCourseWare and SlideWiki.org will deliver a webinar "Preparing the ground for AI - Data and Information Integration with Knowledge Graphs". More details >>
On December 2 at 11:00 a webinar "Intelligent systems in medicine: reality, myths and prospects" will take place. Boris Kobrinsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Russian National Research Medical University named after I.I. NI Pirogova, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences will delivered a lecture. The working language is Russian. More details >>
On December 3 at 7:00 p.m. Google Dataset Search: Building an open ecosystem for dataset discovery. Speaker: Natasha Noy, Google Research (USA) webinar will take place. More details >>
On December 10 at 11:00 Dmitry Muromtsev, Ph.D., Head of the International Laboratory "Intelligent Information Processing Methods and Semantic Technologies" ITMO will deliver a webinar "Semantic technologies and knowledge graphs". The working language is Russian. More details >>
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