11 December 2020
Experts from the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) took part in the XIII Forum People Investor 2020: ESG for Everyone. Yury Blagov, Director of the Center for CSR named after PricewaterhouseCoopers, became one of the jury members in the Local Community Development nomination; Yulia Aray, Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Management, — in the Environmental Efficiency nomination.
“It was difficult to choose a winner. At the final defense of the People Investor competition, we listened to the presentations of projects of Russian companies that invest in long-term strategies, which means they make a contribution to employees, the development of local communities, the environment, and partnerships. It's great that there are more and more such projects every year,” said Yulia Aray. In the nomination Environmental Efficiency the winner was M.Video company with a project for the disposal of household appliances, electronics and batteries.
IBM's SMART SOCIAL project won in the Local Community Development nomination. “It is especially important that the project is based on a partnership of a non-profit organization, IBM experts, representatives of universities and students from seven regions of Russia who want to try to solve social problems using digital technologies. The result was not only promising solutions, but also an excellent experience of multilateral cooperation in the interests of sustainable development ”, — said Yury Blagov.
The People Investor Forum is organized by the Association of Managers and has been held since 2008. Its mission is to facilitate the identification and dissemination of best practices and innovative practices in socially responsible business conduct to increase the transparency and competitiveness of Russian companies.
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