27 May 2021
An article by Liana Rysakova, Doctoral student at the Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), co-authored with Andrei Panibratov, Academic Advisor, Professor of the Department of Strategic and International Management of the Business School, and Tatiana Kostova, Professor in the Moore Business School at the University of South Carolina (USA), was accepted for publication in Management and Organization Review journal. It is the leading management journal ranked B (three stars) by the Association of Business Schools (ABS). For the first time, an international journal of this level accepted for publication an article with the participation of a Doctoral student of GSOM SPbU.
The article is devoted to the development of dynamic capabilities and legitimacy of Russian firms through exploiting the cooperative ties with the Chinese diaspora.
China and Russia have maintained close economic and political relations for many decades, which stimulated an active migration of Chinese citizens to the Russian Federation and the development of the diaspora in this country. These ties were further strengthened because of the imposition of economic sanctions, which limited the opportunity of Russia cooperation with Western countries. As a result, China's role in the Russian economy has grown, as evidenced by close investment cooperation, increased trade flows, a positive perception by Russians of China and the Chinese, and an increase in the number of Chinese enterprises in Russia. The article suggests ideas and insights on how Russian companies might strengthening advantages and developing dynamic capabilities through interaction with the Chinese diaspora.
Management and Organization Review is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the International Association for Chinese Management Research. It covers research on international, comparative, and cross-cultural management in a Chinese context.
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