6 September 2021
The Center for Entrepreneurship of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) will support students who are considering launching or are already working on their own business project.
“We sincerely believe that the future is in the hands of those who create something new,” is the slogan of the organizers of the new project to support youth entrepreneurship. GSOM Idea Crush can be contacted at any stage of a startup's development. Students are promised a critical and honest analysis of an idea, recommendations for scaling a business or solving a narrow functional problem.
Consultants will help:
The GSOM Idea Crush experts are Anastasia Laskovaya, Academic Director of the Bachelor in Management Program at the Business School, and Rostislav Speransky, Рead of the <5G_Dream_Lab> laboratory.
Consultations are held on Thursdays from 18.00 to 20.00, one consultation lasts for one hour. Before going to a meeting, you need to:
All information about the https://gsom.spbu.ru/en/research/centers/eship/GSOM Idea Crush project is presented on the GSOM SPbU web. The organizers of the project have also prepared an informational Telegram channel https://t.me/gsom_startup about interesting events in the world of startups.
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