5 November 2015
On October 17, 2015 the round table “The Perspectives of Social Entrepreneurship Development at Emerging Markets” as part of International Research Conference “GSOM Emerging Markets Conference 2015: Business and Government Perspectives” was held. Graduates of “Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs” program that has been organised by Graduate School of Management SPbU jointly with Citi Foundation from 2012; current social entrepreneurs; representatives of various foundations and incubators, that provide support for social entrepreneurship; lecturers and representatives of JSC CB “Citibank” took part in the round table. Director of the “Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs” Program, Director of the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Yury E. Blagov has addressed to the participants with a welcome speech.
The round table started with the presentation of Dr. Subhasis Ray (Xavier Institute of Management). In his speech he has specified current issues of social entrepreneurship development with evidence from India and illustrated them with real-life examples. The round table participants were actively involved in the discussion and evaluation of the alternatives and integral approaches to the social problems solutions.
The main part of the round table was the panel discussion on problems of social entrepreneurs in Russia, where social entrepreneurs exchanged their experience and expressed their views on peculiarities of their projects realization. By the end of the discussion Olga Shlykova – the representative of foundation for social programs “Nashe buduschee (Our future)”, Evgeniya Telitsyna – Executive Director of the foundation for social initiatives in the area of childhood “Navstrechu Peremenam (Toward Changes)”, and Ekaterina Khaletskaya – Co-founder of Impact Hub Moscow have presented their projects.
At the end of the round table the graduation ceremony of “Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs” program, which was first time held in the distant-learning format in 2015, took place. The certificates were conferred by Yury E. Blagov and Ruslan V. Belyaev – the Citibank Branch Manager in Saint Petersburg. 50 % of the enrolled on the program have successfully accomplished it. The geography of participants includes all the regions of Russian Federation from Arkhangelsk to Sochi, as well as Kazakhstan Republic.
As the result of the round table “The Perspectives of Social Entrepreneurship Development at Emerging Markets” the decision of its annual arrangement as part of International Research Conference “GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives” was made.
Below are participants’ feedback on the event:
Y.E. Blagov (GSOM SPbSU): “I would like to take a special notice on the interest to the social entrepreneurial projects these days. Current event demonstrates how many people want to work and succeed in the area of social entrepreneurship on the one hand and how many people are ready to help them out with this, on another hand”.
R.V. Belyaev (Citibank): “I am very pleased that GSOM SPbU project on social entrepreneurs education, that has been supported by JSC CB “Citibank” for several years, attains new horizons and helps people to become more confident and professional”.
Y.N. Aray (GSOM SPbSU): “When this kind of events takes place, it becomes evident how many people are involved in such a complex, but very important area. Such meetings and discussions help social entrepreneurs to exchange their experience, practical aspects on the solution of complex problems, ideas for business improvement”.
E. Kulagina (RSDP Assistance for People with Problems of Development): “It is a pleasant thing that today I have met so many real social entrepreneurs from different regions of Russia. These are the people that with their everyday work help to solve very important social problems in various areas and regions of our country”.
M. Krivinos (Foundation “Raul”, “Rabota-I” project, graduate of 2013): “Such events are very important for social entrepreneurs due to the fact that they help to understand not just the significance of the social activities (which is quite evident), but to see the opportunities for your entrepreneurial projects through the prism of the discussions”.
M. Bondar (tourist company for the disabled people “Liberty”): “I would like to welcome new partners in the area of social entrepreneurship and to wish them success in our hard work!”
L. Evseeva (graduate of 2015, Yakutsk): “A big thank you for the opportunity to be educated on the program “Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs”, that gave me not just additional practical knowledge, but a lot of useful and new information on foundations and special programs on social entrepreneurs support”.
V. Telin (graduate of 2015, Lipetsk): “Such events demonstrate that we, social entrepreneurs, are not alone in our aspiration to improve the social environment in our country – we are supported by business and academia representatives. It is very important for us!”
N. Kovrigina (graduate of 2015, Kostomuksha): “I just want to say “Thank you” for the opportunity to be educated on the program “Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs”, for the opportunity to come to St. Petersburg to the new campus “Mikhailovskaya Dacha” and to take part in the round table on problems of social entrepreneurship in Russia. Thank you!”
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