The educational programs for Bachelor and Master programs assume the summer internships as an integral part of the curriculum. So, for 2nd and 3rd year Bachelor program's students, the practice period is 4 weeks, for 1st year Master students — 6 weeks.
About 450 GSOM SPbU students have summer internships annually.
The participation of companies in the summer internship program is considered by the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University as the creation of strategic alliances between the leading business school in Russia and corporate partners of GSOM SPbU.
The GSOM SPbU Career Center and the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) presents the Global Career Guide project, a career portal designed to help students and alumni find career opportunities all around the world.
The portal contains the most relevant and interesting internships and job offers in leading companies — partners of the EFMD Global Network around the world.
The Global Career Guide is an addition to all the core activities and resources offered by the GSOM SPbU Career Center.
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