Ivo Matser,
Chief Executive Officer, ABIS - The Academy of Business in Society
The aggravation of the entire range of global problems, including the COVID-19 pandemic, complicates the achievement of the UN SDGs and requires extraordinary efforts from business to adapt to the New Reality. The core of these efforts is the development and implementation of adequate corporate sustainability strategies based on ESG mainstreaming. It is indicative that the very concept of CSR is increasingly interpreted via language of corporate sustainability and ESG. The New Reality as such is truly a global phenomenon. However, meeting its strategic challenges also requires companies to consider regional and national specificities.
The one-day track “Business in Society: New Reality and the Implementation of Corporate Sustainability Strategies” provides participants with the unique opportunity to discuss the current issues in the field on the example of Emerging Markets. We invite paper proposals that address theoretical aspects of corporate sustainability transformations, as well as analysis of current companies' practices and experiences.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
Keywords presenting the track: New Reality, UN Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs), ESG, corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate sustainability, social entrepreneurship, emerging markets, management development, management education.
The track will start on October 6, 10 am with a presentation of Prof. em. Dr. Thomas Dyllick on the flagship concept of “True Business Sustainability”.
Dr. Thomas Dyllick is a Professor emeritus in Sustainability Management, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland; Director of the Institute for Business Sustainability, Lucerne; and a Co-Founder and member of the Supervisory Board, Positive Impact Rating for Business Schools.
October, 7 (Th.) 11 am - 1 pm
Working language - Russian
Круглый стол посвящен обсуждению вопросов практического применения актуальной концепции «Подлинной устойчивости бизнеса» (True Business Sustainability/Business Sustainability 3.0), представленной на заседании трека Business in Society ее автором, профессором Томасом Дилликом 6 октября 2021 г. (презентация будет сопровождаться синхронным переводом).
К дискуссии приглашены руководители и менеджеры профильных подразделений ведущих российский компаний, включая ПАО «Северсталь», ОК РУСАЛ, ПАО «ГМК “Норильский Никель”», ПАО «Газпром».
Moderators: Юрий Благов, доцент кафедры стратегического и международного менеджмента ВШМ СПбГУ, директор Центра корпоративной социальной ответственности ВШМ СПбГУ
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