Fons Trompenaars
Title of the talk: Corona Crisis: cross-cultural analyses and how to deal with it more effectively
Fons joined Shell in 1981 and moved into the Personnel Division for Shell in Rotterdam. From 1985, he worked in job classification and management development at the Shell Research Laboratories in Amsterdam. In 1989 he founded the Centre for International Business Studies, a consulting and training organization for international management. Since 1998 we operate as Trompenaars Hampden-Turner. FonsTrompenaars has worked as a consultant for Shell, BP, ICI,Philips, Heineken, TRW, Mars, Motorola, General Motors, Nike, Cable and Wireless, CSM and Merrill Lynch.
FonsTrompenaars is known all over the world for his work as consultant, trainer, motivational speaker and author of many books on the subject of culture and business. He has spent over 25 years helping Fortune 500 leaders and professionals manage and solve their business and cultural dilemmas to increase global effectiveness and performance, particularly in the areas of globalization, mergersand acquisition, HR and leadership development.
Stephen. B. Young
Stephen. B. Young is the Global Executive Director of the Caux Round Table, an international network of experienced business leaders who advocate a principled approach to global capitalism. Young has published Moral Capitalism, a well-received book written as a guide to use of the Caux Round Table ethical and socially responsible Principles for Business. In 2008 Prof. Sandra Waddock of the Carroll School of Management of Boston College listed Young among the 23 persons who created the corporate social responsibility movement in her book The Difference Makers.
Ajai Gaur
Professor of Strategic Management and International Business, Rutgers Business School, USA
Ajai Gaur is Professor of Strategic Management and International Business at Rutgers Business School. He is serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of World Business and a consulting editor at the Journal of International Business Studies. He is the founding President of the Emerging Markets Society and served as the President of the Asia Academy of Management from 2015 to 2019. In his research, Ajai studies the distinct institutional influences on firms’ international expansion strategies in different institutional contexts. Ajai has published more than 50 articles articles in leading strategy and international business journals, including Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal and Organizational Research Methods.
Alex Settles
Clinical Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and International Business, Department of Management, Warrington College of Business, University of Florida, USA
Dr. Settles is a Clinical Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and International Business in the Department of Management at the Warrington College of Business, University of Florida. Previously he was an Assistant Professor of Professional Practice and an Instructor in the Department of Management and Global Business at Rutgers Business School, an Instructor at Nevada State College, a Professor of Corporate Governance and Strategic Management and the Deputy Director of the Corporate Governance Center at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia, and Assistant Policy Scientist at the University of Delaware. During the 2005-2006 academic year Dr. Settles was a Fulbright Scholar in Russia.
Dr. Settles’ research focuses on three areas: the role that non-market forces shape the international process of firms, emerging market multinationals and management practices in emerging market firms with a specialization in Russian firms, and entrepreneurship education practices and development of entrepreneurial intent of university students
Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki
Professor, Chair of International Business at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics at the University of Vienna, Austria.
Title of the talk: Case method in academic research
EmmanuellaPlakoyiannakiis Chair of International Business at the Faculty of Business Economics and Statistics, University of Vienna, Austria. She is also Visiting Professor at Leeds University Business School (LUBS), UK. She holds a PhD from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. She is Co-Chair of the International Business/ Management SIG of the British Academy of Management (BAM). Her research interests refer to SMEs and FFs internationalization, philosophy of science, case study methodology and language in international business. She has published in various academic journals including the Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business among others.
Anna Veselova
Associate Professor of Strategic and International Management Department, Academic Director of Bachelor Program in Business Administration, Graduate School of Business Higher School of Economics
Title of the talk: QCA method in management research
Anna Veselova is an Associate Professor of Strategic and International Management Department, Academic Director of Bachelor Program in Business Administration, Graduate School of Business Higher School of Economics. Anna focuses her research on emerging markets, exploring various aspects of EM firms’ operations. Her major streams of research are related to the internationalization strategies of EM firms, managing talents in different national contexts, sustainability strategies of EM firms. Anna Veselova is an author of more than 30 publications, including articles published in top-tier international journals such as Human Resource Management and International Business Review. She is a member of Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, European International Business Academy.
Gerald A. McDermott
Title of the talk: Public-Private Institutions as the Foundations for Innovation and Firm Upgrading in Developing Countries
Gerald A. McDermott is Professor of International Business at the Darla Moore School of Business of the University of South Carolina, where he is the Faculty Director of the Folks Center for International Business, and is a Senior Research Fellow at IAE Business School in Argentina. He was previously Assistant Professor of Multinational Management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania for seven years. He received his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Dr. McDermott specializes in international business and political economy, particularly on issues of innovation, risk, corporate strategy, and institutional change in emerging market countries. He regularly writes and speaks about alternative paths for societies and their firms to become globally competitive. He has published two books and numerous articles in the leading scholarly journals in management, international business, and political economy and has won grants and awards for his research. His most recent book, with Laszlo Bruszt, is Leveling the Playing Field: Transnational Regulatory Integration and Development (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Dr. McDermott lived in Prague for over 4 years and in Buenos Aires for over 8 years, being proficient in Czech and fluent in Spanish. His Research Website is:
Tony Fang
Title of the talk: The business of international business is geopolitics
Tony Fang is Professor of Business Administration at Stockholm Business School (SBS) of Stockholm University, Head of Emerging Markets Cross Cultural Research Group, and Founder of Emerging Markets Inspiration Conference (EMIC) that takes place annually at Stockholm University. Tony Fang received his PhD and Licentiate of Economics in Industrial Marketing, Industrial Economy, Linköping University, Sweden (1999, 1997) and his MSc and BSc in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (1987, 1984).
Tony Fang’s interested research areas include: re-conceptualizing culture in glocalization, internationalization of the firm, cross-cultural management and innovation, intercultural leadership and communication, inspiration from emerging economies, Swedish society and innovation, Nordic culture and management style, Chinese culture and negotiating style, cross-cultural approach to democracy, and so on. In recent years, Tony Fang's research has started reaching Russia, Brazil, India, and Africa. Tony Fang was a visiting scholar in the Department of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1998.
Tony Fang reviews for a large number of academic journals in scientific communities. He is also on board of International Business Review (IBR), Management and Organization Review (MOR), International Journal of Cross Cultural Management (IJCCM), Cross-Cultural & Strategic Management (CCSM), Journal of Trust Research (JTR), Industrial Marketing Management (IMM). Tony Fang has served as an officially appointed academic opponent, discussant, and/or member of the evaluation committee of doctoral dissertations in Sweden and abroad. He has been invited to be on board the expert panel to evaluate the qualification and performance of professors and/or research projects.
Svetla Marinova
Title of the talk: Covid – 19: Disrupting Globalization: Prospects for States and Firms in International Business
Svetla Marinova is Professor of International Business at Aalborg University Business School. Her research focuses on the internationalization of emerging economies and firms, notably in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe, China and Russia. Her work focuses on the importance of context, institutional maturity, and firm and country-specific advantages and disadvantages in the internationalization of emerging market firms, and it shows the impact of these processes on the speed of economic development and growth in emerging economies. Professor Marinova’s work is published in the leading academic journals, such as International Business Review, Management and Organization Review, European Journal of Marketing, International Marketing Review, Thunderbird International Business Review, Advances in International Management, Advances in International Marketing, Journal of Global Marketing, Journal of East-West Business, etc.
Fabian Jintae Froese
Title of the talk: The Future of Global Mobility
Fabian Jintae Froese is Chair Professor of Human Resource Management and Asian Business at the University of Goettingen, Germany. In addition, he is Editor-in-Chief of Asian Business & Management and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Human Resource Management. His research interests lie in expatriation, diversity, and talent management. His research has been published in journals such as Academy of Management Learning & Education, Human Resource Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of World Business.
Snejina Michailova
Title of the talk: Talent Management in Small Advanced Economies
Snejina Michailova is Professor of International Business at The University of Auckland Business School. Snejina's main research areas are International Business, Management, and Knowledge Management and her academic work has appeared in the prime journals of all three disciplines. Journals where she has published include: Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Executive, Business Strategy Review, California Management Review, critical perspectives on international business, Employee Relations, European Management Journal, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Management, Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, International Management, Management International Review, Long Range Planning, Management Learning, Organizational Dynamics, Thunderbird International Business Reviewand others.
Claudine Gaibrois
Title of the talk: Moving business students out of their comfort zone: Teaching why and how language diversity matters in IB
Claudine Gaibrois is Lecturer in Culture, Society and Language at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and an External Lecturer on Managing Multilingual Companies at St. Gallen University and at EM Strasbourg Business School. She received her PhD from St. Gallen University for her thesis on the discursive construction of power relations in multilingual organisations. Her research interests include linguistic and cultural diversity, communication in organisational contexts, intercultural communication and power relations. Her work has been published in journals such as the Journal of World Business , the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management and the European Journal of International Management . Claudine Gaibrois has conceived and taught lectures on the management of language diversity in different educational contexts and in different formats. She is a board member of the GEM&L (Grouped’Etudes Management etLangage) and has joined its scientific committee.
Terry Mughan
Title of the talk: What does research in the field of language and international business have to offer to management education? A discussion and a proposition
Terry Mughan is Associate Professor of International Business at Royal Roads, University, Canada and formerly Professor of International Management at Anglia Ruskin University, UK. He has conducted numerous studies of business internationalisation for, among others, the OECD, the European Commission and UK Trade and Investment. His fi rst degree was in foreign languages and they have always featured as an important variable alongside culture, strategy and practice in his inquiries. In recent years he has been developing innovative approaches to language in business centring on a language-general approach for non-specialist linguists.
"On qualifying as a secondary school teacher after working in tourism, my full-time career in education started as a lecturer in French and German. Through teaching French in-house to local companies, I became fascinated by the place of language and cultural competence in their exporting activities. I became heavily involved in local training and policy initiatives in Cambridge and was asked by the regional development agency to carry out a large-scale study (CEIM). I moved into the Business SchooI to set up a team to investigate business internationalisation and intercultural competence in companies. In 2001 I designed the first Intercultural Masters program in the UK at Anglia Ruskin University and founded the UK limb of the the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR). Further studies for the UK government, The European Commission and the OECD followed. I was awarded a university professorship in 2006. I moved to North America in 2012 and am now living in Portland, Oregon. I am currently leading a 11 country, 18 partner research project looking at the international student experience (ISE)".
Rebecca Piekkari
Title of the talk: Moving business students out of their comfort zone: Teaching why and how language diversity matters in IB
Rebecca Piekkari is Markus Wallenberg Professor of International Business at the Aalto University, School of Business. She has a long-standing interest in language diversity as a critical management challenge for international organisations and as a methodological challenge for organisational research. Over the years she has taught many multilingual groups of PhD, MSc and BSc students in various programmes around the world. Her work has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Review , Journal of Management Studies and Journal of International Business Studies as well as in several handbooks in the area. Her current research interests focus on the role of translation and translators in international business. She is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and European International Business Academy.
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