“Methodology and technology for developing digital knowledge maps for education and research teams (METAKARTA)” is funded by Russian Science Foundation (project number 23-21-00168).
The METAKARTA project is focused on solving the urgent problem of extracting, structuring and formalizing the knowledge of members of education and research academic teams to improve the quality of scientific communications, information exchange and positioning in the market of intellectual services. The development of a methodology and technology for digital knowledge mapping will also make it possible to transfer "implicit" knowledge into explicit knowledge, which will make it possible to more effectively manage the intellectual capital of universities and scientific institutions.
The project consists of two stages:
Analysis of the state of modern research in the field of formation and support of knowledge maps of ontological type and development of the basics of the methodology for integrating structured data from heterogeneous sources into knowledge maps of various scientific and educational teams.
Creation of technology for the formation of digital knowledge maps of participants in scientific teams, taking into account their scientific, consulting and educational activities. Development of a prototype knowledge map that implements this technology and the approbation of the methodology on the example of the university faculty.
Tatiana A. Gavrilova
Head of the Project, Professor, Department of Information Technologies in Management, Head, Department of Information Technologies in Management
Olga N. Alkanova
Researcher, Senior Lecturer, Marketing Department, Chairman, Assurance of Learning Committee, Head, Teaching Excellence Lab in Business Education
Elvira Y. Grinberg
Researcher, Assistant, Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peter the Great Polytechnic University
Miroslav V. Kubelsky
Researcher, Datafabrik LLC, Leading Analyst
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