Andrey Yurievich Panibratov

Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management

Director, Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business

Andrey Yurievich Panibratov

Doing Business Research in Emerging Markets (PhD program)

Internationalization of Emerging Market Firms (master program)

International Business Strategy (master program)

International Business Strategy (bachelor program)


  • Doctor of Science (Economics), Moscow State University of Management, 2006
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), University of Wales, 1999
  • Candidate of Science (Economics), St. Petersburg State University, 1998
  • Specialist (Political Economy), St. Petersburg State University, 1992


  • Russian multinationals
  • Outward FDI from Russia
  • China-Russia business relationships
  • International strategy of emerging market firms
  • The role of political capital for emerging market firms
  • Liability of foreignness of emerging market firms
  • Diaspora and mobility of capitals
  • Legitimacy and capabilities of emerging market firms


  • 2015-2017 – Center for the Study of Emerging Market and Russian Multinational Enterprises, head
  • 2020 – present – GSOM research committee, chair
  • 2020 – present – Center of Russian Multinationals and Global Business, director


Membership in professional organizations:




Doctoral councils


Examining and chairing at the PhD councils


Member of Editorial boards

International Business Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, International Journal of Emerging Markets; European Journal of International Management; Journal of East-West Business; Journal for East European Management Studies; Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies; Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review; BRICS Journal of Economics


Guest Editor


Ad hoc reviewer

Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Journal of Business Research, International Business Review, Journal of International Management, Management and Organization Review, Cross-Cultural and Stretegic Management Journal, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Organizational Change Management, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Journal for East-European Management Studies, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, International Journal of Technology Marketing, Engineering, Construction and Architecture Management Journal, Journal of International Business Education, Columbia FDI profiles, international conferences and paper development workshops


Papers published in the refereed journals

  • Sato, A. & Panibratov, A. (2022). Transforming liability of outsidership into assets of outsidership: Comparative study of Japanese automotive subsidiaries in Russia, Asia Pacific Business Review, forthcoming
  • Panibratov, A., Sanchez, R., Castello, A., & Klishevich, D. (2022). Surviving populism: A corporate political activity approach in Mexico, Journal of International Business Policy, forthcoming
  • Latukha, M., Zhang, Y., Panibratov, A., Arzhanykh, K., Rysakova, L. (2022). Talent management practices for firms’ absorptive capacity in the host country: The study of Chinese diaspora in Russia, Critical Perspectives on International Business, forthcoming
  • Panibratov, A. & Chen, S. (2021). The new world in the post-covid-19 era: To compromise with the de-globalization or seize this opportunity. Herald of St. Petersburg University. Management 20(3): 326-342.
  • Shagalkina M. V, Telov V. V., Latukha M. O., Panibratov A. Yu. (2021). The determinants of returnees’ decision to come back to Russia. Russian Management Journal 19 (1): 97–116. (In Russian)
  • Chimeson, D., Tung, R., Panibratov, A. & Fang, T. (2021). The paradox and change of Russian cultural values, International Business Review
  • Kostova, T., Panibratov, A., & Rysakova, L. (2021). Utilizing the Chinese diaspora by Russian firms: Capabilities and legitimacy implications, Management and Organisation Review, 1-32. doi: 10.1017/mor.2021.47
  • Panibratov, A. (2021). Sanctions, cooperation, and innovation: Insights from Russia economy and implications for Russian firms, BRICS Journal of Economics, 2(3): 4-26.
  • Oparin, E., Panibratov, A. & Ermolaeva, L. (2021). Digital health studies: Business and management theory perspective, Journal of East-West Business, DOI 10.1080/10669868.2021.1931622
  • Panibratov, A. & Klishevich, D. (2021). Emerging market state-owned multinationals: A review and implications for the state capitalism debate, Asian Business and Management, forthcoming, DOI: 10.1057/s41291-021-00150-6
  • Panibratov, A. & Rysakova, L. (2020). The diaspora phenomenon: Scholarly assessment and implications for countries and firms, Journal of Global Mobility, forthcoming, DOI: 10.1108/JGM-07-2020-0051
  • Panibratov, A., Kalinin, A., Zhang, Y., Ermolaeva, L., Korovkin, V., Nefedov, K., & Selivanovskikh, L. (2020), The Belt and Road Initiative as a complex phenomenon: The systematic literature review and implications for future research agenda, Eurasian Geography and Economics, forthcoming, DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1857288
  • Sawant, R., Nachum, L., & Panibratov, A. (2020). The effect of interpersonal political embeddedness on firm internationalization scope, British Journal of Management, published online 31 August 2020,
  • Panibratov, A. & Rysakova, L. (2020). The organizational legitimacy of Russian firms: Contextual specificity and legitimization strategies. Russian Management Journal 18 (3): 289-312,
  • Panibratov, A. & Fitzpatrick, M. (2020). The effect of reverse knowledge spillovers on the total factor productivity in emerging markets, BRICS Journal of Economics, 1(1): 21-42.
  • Panibratov, A. & Klishevich, D. (2020). Dynamic capabilities during the internationalization of MNCs from post-socialist emerging markets, Multinational Business Review,
  • Mihailova, I., Panibratov, A., & Latukha, M. (2020). Dismantling institutional complexity behind international competitiveness of emerging market firms, Thunderbird International Business Review,
  • Parnell, J.A., Spillan, J.E., Panibratov, A., & Yukhanaev, A. (2019). Strategy and performance of Russian firms: An organizational capabilities perspective, European Journal of International Management, DOI: 10.1504/EJIM2020.10024281
  • Michailova, S. & Panibratov, A. (2019). MNEs from Russia and CIS: From national champions to global players. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14(3): 382-384.
  • Panibratov, A. & Michailova, S. (2019). The role of state ownership and home government political support in Russian multinationals’ internationalization. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14(3): 436-450.
  • Ermolaeva, L., Nefedov, K., Panibratov, A., & Viktorov, D. (2019), Internationalisation driving value chain configuration: The case of emerging market IT companies. Journal of East-West Business, 25(4): 340-362.
  • Dikova, D., Panibratov, A., & Veselova, A. (2019). Investment motives, ownership advantages and institutional distance: An examination of Russian cross-border acquisitions. International Business Review, 28(4): 625-637.
  • Ermolaeva, L., Freixanet, J., & Panibratov, A. (2018). The role of absorptive capacity in the relationship between firm internationalization and innovation: evidence from Russia, Journal for East-European Management Studies, 23(4): 621-641.
  • Panibratov, A. & Brown, T. (2018). Foreign divestments from Russia: An exploration of the mediating factors. Strategic Change, 27(4): 359–367.
  • Panibratov, A., Ribberink, N., Veselova, A., & Nefedov, K. (2018). Entry modes and liability of foreignness effects: Evidence from Russian firms on German market, Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 9(1/17): 106-122.
  • Panibratov, A. & Brown, T. (2018). Mitigating divestment stigma: A legitimation perspective, Kybernetes, 47(5): 920-936.
  • Panibratov, A. (2017). Cultural integration in cross-border M&A deals: The comparative study of acquisitions made by EMNEs from China and Russia, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(7): 1109-1135.
  • Dikova, D., Panibratov, A., Veselova, A., & Ermolaeva, L. (2016). The joint effect of investment motives and institutional context on Russian international acquisitions, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 11(4): 674-692.
  • Panibratov, A. (2016). Home government influence on Russian MNEs: Balancing control against interest, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 11(4): 474-496.
  • Panibratov, A. (2016). Unraveling the IJV rationale in emerging markets: The case of multinational enterprises in the Russian construction industry, Journal of East-West Business, 22(2): 97-117.
  • Latukha, M., & Panibratov, A. (2015). Top management teams’ competencies for international operations: do they influence a firm’s result? Journal of General Management, 40(4): 45-68.
  • Panibratov, A. (2015). Liability of foreignness of emerging market firms: the country of origin effect on Russian IT companies, Journal of East-West Business, 21(1): 22-40.
  • Panibratov, A. (2014). Developing brand awareness via social networks as a new sprout of global firms’ strategy on the Russian market, Journal of Euromarketing, 23(1-2): 37-56.
  • Panibratov, A., & Latukha, M. (2014). Obtaining international results through partnerships: Evidence from Russian MNEs in the IT sector, Journal for East European Management Studies, 19(1): 31-57.
  • Latukha, M., & Panibratov, A. (2013). Is the role of HRM strategic in M&A success? Exploring the involvement of HRM in a due diligence process, Journal of General Management, 39(1): 27-54.
  • Mihailova, I., & Panibratov, A. (2012). Determinants of internationalization strategies of emerging market firms: A multilevel approach, Journal of East-West Business, 18(2): 157-184.
  • Latukha, M., Panibratov, A., & Safonova-Salvadori, E. (2011). Entrepreneurial FDI in emerging economies: Russian SME strategy for Brazil, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 12(3): 201-212.
  • Panibratov, A. (2009). Internationalization process of Russian construction industry: Inward investments perspective, Journal for East European Management Studies, 2: 210-228.
Monographs, chapters in books, textbooks

  • Panibratov, A., Rysakova, L., & Luo, Y. (2021). New configurations of the IB theories: Dynamic response to the environmental challenges, in T. Fang & J. Hassler (eds.) Globalization, Political Economy, Business and Society in Pandemic Times, Emerald, forthcoming
  • Panibratov, A. (2020). Digital health business models during and post Covid-19, in M. Marinov & S. Marinova (eds.), Covid-19 and International Business: Change of Era. New York: Routledge.
  • Puffer S.M., McCarthy, D.J., May, R.C., Shirokova, G.V., & Panibratov, A. (2018). Managing emerging markets in Russia, in R. Grosse & K. E. Meyer (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Management in Emerging Markets, Oxford University Press: Oxford.
  • Maclennan, M.L., Chueke, G.V., Panibratov, A., Marinova, S. and Klishevich, D. (2018). Latin America: Talent management in the new reality, in M. Latukha (Ed.) Talent Management in Global Organizations: A Cross-Country Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
  • Panibratov, A., Maclennan, M.L., & Chueke, G.V. (2018). Chile: Terra incognita, in M. Latukha (Ed.) Talent Management in Global Organizations: A Cross-Country Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
  • Latukha, M., Veselova, A., Veselova, L., Poór, J., Fehér, H.J., Tikhonova, V., Selivanovskikh, L., Maclennan, M.L., Chueke, G.V., Marinova, S., Panibratov, A., & Klishevich, D. (2018). Creating a talent management agenda for a global environment, in M. Latukha (Ed.) Talent Management in Global Organizations: A Cross-Country Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan: New York.
  • Panibratov, A. & Pantic, B. (2018). Internationalization of Lukoil: A Russian push and pull strategy in Europe, in Suder, G. & Lindeque, J.(eds.) Doing Business in Europe. Sage. Third Edition.
  • Panibratov, A. (2017). International Strategy of Emerging Market Firms: Absorbing Global Knowledge and Building Competitive Advantages, Routledge.
  • Panibratov, A. (2017). Russian MNEs and Chinese Belt and Road initiative, in J.-P. Larcon (ed.) The New Silk Road: China Meets Europe in the Baltic Sea Region: A Business Perspective, World Scientific: 179-184.
  • Panibratov, A. (2017). Russian oil and gas MNEs investing in China: The role of government in value creation, in S. Marinova, J. Larimo and N. Nummela (eds.) Value Creation in International Business - Volume 1: An MNC Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan: 279-306.
  • Panibratov, A., & Ermolaeva, L. (2017). Outward investments from China and Russia: The case of Sino-Russian investment relationship, in K. Liuhto, S. Sutyrin and J.-M. F. Blanchard (eds.) The Russian Economy and Foreign Direct Investment, Routledge: 173-191.
  • Panibratov, A., & Ermolaeva, L. (2015). Combining internationalization and autonomy: The case of Russia, in R.V. Turcan, J. Reilly and L. Bugaian (eds.) (Re)Discovering University Autonomy: The Global Market Paradox of Stakeholder and Educational Values in Higher Education’, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kalotay, K., & Panibratov, A. (2013). Developing competitive advantages of Russian multinationals through foreign acquisitions // Williamson, P.J., Ramamurti, R., Fleury, A. and Fleury M.T.L. (eds.) The Competitive Advantage of Emerging Market Multinationals, Cambridge University Press: 220-238.
  • Panibratov, A., & Latukha, M. (2013). Servicing local customers for entering foreign markets: internationalization of Russian IT firms // Marinov M. and Marinova S. (eds.). Emerging Economies and Firms in the Global Crisis, Palgrave Macmillan: 314–333.
  • Panibratov, A. (2012). Russian Multinationals: From Regional Supremacy to Global Lead, Routledge.
  • Panibratov, A. (2012). From national leaders to global players: Evidence from Russian MNEs in the high technology sector // Marinov M., Marinova S. (eds.) Internationalization of Emerging Economies and Firms, Palgrave Macmillan: 169–190.
  • Panibratov, A., & Kalotay, K. (2011). Outward FDI and its policy context, in K. P. Sauvant, T. Jost, K. Davies, A.-M. Poveda Garcés (eds.) Inward and Outward FDI Profiles, New York, Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment: 360-369.


  • Visiting Scholar, Moore Business School, University of South Carolina, 2020
  • Visiting Professor, School of Economics and Finance at Shanghai International Studies University, 2018-present
  • European Case Clearing House (ECCH), National University of Singapore, 2011.
  • World Association of Case Method Research and Application (WACRA), Vancouver, 2009.
  • Teachers training programs, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 2008
  • Internship, HEC Paris, France, 2006
  • Internship, Babson College, 2002
  • Internship, Texas A&M University, 2001


  • 2nd Peradeniya University International Management Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Virtual Token of Appreciation for the Keynote Speech, 2021
  • 16th Vaasa Conference on International Business Best Paper Award, Vaasa, Finland, 2021
  • Stockholm University the 5th EMIC conference Simbolic 100 Krona Award to transfer to the “Doctors without borders”, 2020.
  • AIB 2019 annual meeting Best Paper Award nominee, 2019.
  • Stockholm University the 4th EMIC conference Distinguished Scholar Award, 2019.
  • AACSB Certificate of Assurance of Learning seminar, 2018.
  • National representative of Russia, Board member, European International Business Academy, 2017
  • AIB CEE Best Paper Award, 2017.
  • AIB CEE Outstanding Scientific Paper Diploma, 2015.
  • AIB CEE Outstanding Reviewer Diploma, 2015.
  • Nomination for Finland Distinguished Professor (FIDIPRO) program by Tampere University of Technology, Finland, 2014.
  • St. Petersburg City Administration Diploma for Significant Contribution in the Government Plan of Education of the Management Cohorts for National Economy of Russian Federation in 2007/2008 – 2012/2013 academic years, 2013.


22 June 2022 | All news | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич
GSOM SPbU Professor Andrei Panibratov spoke at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)

On June 22, GSOM SPbU Professor and Director of the Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business Andrei Panibratov spoke at the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) for students and professors.

18 May 2022 | All news | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич | Наука
Internationalization strategies as firms response to the challenges of green economy were discussed at GSOM SPbU

The Graduate School of Management at St Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) held a research seminar "Internationalization of Emerging Market Firms and the Role of Government in Financing and Developing Large Cross-Border Infrastructure Projects: New Challenges of Green Economy"

14 February 2022 | All news | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич
GSOM SPbU professor joined the editorial board of International Business Review (ABS)

Professor of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) Andrei Panibratov joined the editorial board of one of the leading journals in the field of international business International Business Review (ABS).

3 February 2022 | All news | Conferences | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич
GSOM SPbU professor spoke about the impact of economic sanctions on Russian companies

Yury Blagov, Director of the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU), took part at the conference of the Vedomosti  ESG — Corporate Social Responsibility.

21 October 2021 | All news | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич

The Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business GSOM SPbU organized an online round table "Economy, politics, and culture: Three pillars of the Sino-Russian business relationships". The event was held within the framework of the eighth international scientific event “Emerging Markets Conference 2021”.

5 October 2021 | All news | Conferences | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич
GSOM SPbU experts have held interactive workshops for the finalists of the International Financial Security Olympiad in Sirius

GSOM SPbU teachers held a workshop for the participants of the international financial security Olympiad at the Sirius educational center (Sochi).

4 October 2021 | All news | Conferences | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич
"Bridging countries, organizations and people in a new fragmented world": 8th International GSOM Emerging Markets Conference 2021

After graduation, many GSOM SPbU students are planning a career in the field of consulting, and preferably with the “big three” — the largest international companies: BCG, McKinsey, and Bain. Today we would like to tell you about the opportunities provided by the first of the above-mentioned giants of consulting. Over the past five years, BCG has recruited 17 alumni of the Business School. 

3 October 2021 | All news | Conferences | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич
GSOM SPbU expert spoke about new formats in education

Sergey Lukashkin, Director of the Digital Technologies in Education Research and Education Center of GSOM SPbU, spoke at the forum "The Future of Management Professions: Tech-Reality"

30 September 2021 | All news | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич
New environmental agenda: The Center for Russian MNCs and Global Business of GSOM St. Petersburg State University held a round table on ESG

Experts discussed the role of ESG in adapting international business strategies in the context of the global climate agenda at the round table " New International Environmental Agenda and Strategies of Multinationals" organized by the Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU).

14 September 2021 | Conferences | All news | Панибратов Андрей Юрьевич
Round Table on the New International Environmental Agenda and Strategies of Multinationals

On September 22, 2021, a round table "New International Environmental Agenda and Strategies of Multinational" will be held, organized by the Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business of the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU).

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Other professors

Yulia Nikolaevna Aray
Yulia Nikolaevna Aray
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management. Academic Director, Master in Management Program
Yury Evgenievich Blagov
Yury Evgenievich Blagov
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management Director of the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Director of the "Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs" program
Karina Alexandrovna Bogatyreva
Karina Alexandrovna Bogatyreva
Associate Professor, Strategic and International Management Department, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship. Academic Director, Doctoral Program
Ioannis Christodoulou
Ioannis Christodoulou
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management, CEMS Academic Director
Vasiliy Konstantinovich Dermanov
Vasiliy Konstantinovich Dermanov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic and International Management
Diana Mikhailovna Dmitrieva
Diana Mikhailovna Dmitrieva
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Liubov Andreevna Ermolaeva
Liubov Andreevna Ermolaeva
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management, Academic Director, Bachelor of Management Program
Olga Leonidovna Garanina
Olga Leonidovna Garanina
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management. Academic Director of Master in Smart City Management Program
Tatyana Nikolaevna Klemina
Tatyana Nikolaevna Klemina
Senior Lecturer, Head, Department of Strategic and International Management
Klishevich Daria Sergeevna
Klishevich Daria Sergeevna
Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Anastasiya Kirillovna Laskovaya
Anastasiya Kirillovna Laskovaya
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Andrey Yurievich Panibratov
Andrey Yurievich Panibratov
Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management. Director, Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business
Sergey Alexandrovich Starov
Sergey Alexandrovich Starov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic and International Management
Olga Rafailovna Verkhovskaya
Olga Rafailovna Verkhovskaya
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Rafik Smara
Rafik Smara
Assistant of the Department of Strategic and International Management

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