Sergey Alexandrovich Starov

Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic and International Management

Sergey Alexandrovich Starov

Marketing (BA)

Brand Management (BA)

Brand Management (ЕМВА)


  • Doctor of Science in Economics
  • Candidate of Science in Economics (First Doctoral Degree), Moscow State University, 1987.
  • Specialist Degree in Political Economy, Department of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, 1981.
  • The Duke Program for Manager Development (Executive Program), Duke University Fuqua School of Business, 1994.


  • Marketing
  • Brand Management
  • Sales Promotion


Books, Monographs and Textbooks

  • Brand Management. St. Petersburg: GSOM Publishing House, 2009
  • Starov S.A. Private label management of retail chains: monography. ─ SPb.: The Publishing House of Graduate School of Management, 2013.
  • Starov S. A., Alkanova O. N., Molchanov N. N. Brands, Trademarks and Commercial Symbols as Objects of Company Management  // Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series 2, 2012.
  • Starov S. A., Gabisov A. A., Shostka A. D., Cherenkov V. I. Formation of Balanced Private Label Portfolio for Lenta Retail Chain. // Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series 1, 2012


Papers in Academic Journals

  • Starov, S. A., Cherenkov, V. I., Gladkikh, I. V., & Kiryukov, S. I. (2020). Own trade mark as a brand. MARKETING AND MARKETING RESEARCH, (2), 104-118.
  • Starov, S. A., Gladkikh, I. V., & Muravsky, D. V. (2019). Research of brand associations for building strategic brand maps. MARKETING AND MARKETING RESEARCH, (2 (136)), 116-130.
  • Gladkikh, I. V., Zamulin, A. L., & Starov, S. A. (2018). Attitudes of modern students toward traditional case studies: exploratory research (Saint Petersburg State University, Graduate School of Management). The International Journal of Case Method Research & Application, XXX (4), 228-239.
  • Starov, S. A., & Gladkikh, I. V. (2018). Historical heritage as an element of the company's brand identity. BRAND MANAGEMENT, (4 (99)), 254-268.
  • Starov, S. A., Cherenkov, V. I., & Kiryukov, S. I. (2018). Trademark license agreement as a branding tool. BRAND MANAGEMENT, (1), 60-78.
  • Starov, S. A., Cherenkov, V. I., & Gladkikh, I. V. (2018). Rebranding: concept, forms, implementation algorithm. BRAND MANAGEMENT, (2), 82-97.
  • Gladkikh, I. V., & Starov, S. A. (2017). Brand price positioning: aspects of the analysis. BRAND MANAGEMENT, (3), 178-190.
  • Zamulin, A. L., Kucherov, D. G., & Starov, S. A. (2015). Employer's brand as a tool for attracting young professionals to the IT sector. MANAGEMENT TODAY, (4), 248-258.
  • Zagorskiy, A. L., Starov, S. A., & Gladkikh, I. V. (2014). Formation of costs for branding of own brands of retail chains. VESTNIK OF ST. PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY. MANAGEMENT, (2), 3-34.
  • Brand Efficiency Valuation in the Modern Marketing Theory // Brand Management. 2010. № 4 (53), 5 (54). P. 216–222; 270–288 (with O. Alkanova).
  • Methodology of Brand Efficiency Valuation // Vestnik SpbGU. Management series, 8. 2009. Vol. 4. P. 130–153 (with O. Alkanova).
  • Brand Positioning as the Key Branding Effort // Brand Management. 2009. № 4 (47). P. 198–211.
  • Verbal Identifiers as the Visual Elements of Brand// Vestnik SpbGU. Management series, 8. 2008. Vol. 4. P. 150–171.
  • Brand: Essence, Functions, Evolution // Vestnik SpbGU. Management series, 8. 2008. Vol. 2. P. 3–39.
  • Brand Loyalty: Classification, Evaluation Methods and Attachment Programs. Vestnik SpbGU. Management series, 8. 2007. – Vol. 2. P. 112–133.
  • Creation and Development of Private Labels for Food Retailers of Modern Russia // Vestnik SpbGU. Management series, 8. 2003. Vol. 4. P. 26–48.
  • Classification of Main Approaches to Brand Valuation in Russian Companies // Vestnik SpbGU. Management series, 8. 2002. Vol. 2 (with V. Vilkov).


Papers in Professional Journals

  • Can the Efficiency of the Case Method be Improved // International Journal of Case Method research & Application. 2009. Vol. XXI, № 3. P. 237–241 (with I.V. Gladkikh).
  • Viral Marketing as Effective Communicative Instrument // Top-Manager. 2008, October. P. 76–79.


Published Cases

  • Ralf Ringer: Testing National Brand’s Competitive Power House. The European Case Clearing House (ECCH). 2010. № 510-059-1 (with I.V. Gladkikh)/
  • Is it Hard to Promote a Provocative Brand for Kids in Russia? The European Case Clearing House (ECCH). 2009. № 509-005-1.
  • Warning: the Treasurer Cigarettes are Dangerous for your Wallet The European Case Clearing House (ECCH). 2009. № 509-025-12.
  • Feel Sympathy for Derzhava: Why Didn’t Russians Like the Candy Brand? The European Case Clearing House (ECCH). 2008. № 508-024-1.
  • Battery Energy Drink: Successful Start What’s Next? The European Case Clearing House (ECCH). 2007. № 507-188-1 (with I.V. Gladkikh, R. Kopp).
  • Diplomat Vodka makes a Break for Premium Class: The European Case Clearing House (ECCH). 2007. № 507-031-8 (with I.V. Gladkikh).
  • Arctica Company: Strengthening Positions in the Market for Ice-Cream (Case) // Vestnik SpbGU. Management series, 8. Vol. 3, 2003 (with V. Akulov).




  • Member of World Association for Case Method Research and Application (WACRA), 2008 ─present.
  • Editor in chief for translation Aaker D. Building Strong Brands. Moscow, 2003.
  • Participation in consulting and educational projects for Russian companies.
  • Member of WACRA, EMAC


Other professors

Yulia Nikolaevna Aray
Yulia Nikolaevna Aray
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management. Academic Director, Master in Management Program
Yury Evgenievich Blagov
Yury Evgenievich Blagov
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management Director of the PwC Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Director of the "Project Management for Social Entrepreneurs" program
Karina Alexandrovna Bogatyreva
Karina Alexandrovna Bogatyreva
Associate Professor, Strategic and International Management Department, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship. Academic Director, Doctoral Program
Vasiliy Konstantinovich Dermanov
Vasiliy Konstantinovich Dermanov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic and International Management
Diana Mikhailovna Dmitrieva
Diana Mikhailovna Dmitrieva
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Liubov Andreevna Ermolaeva
Liubov Andreevna Ermolaeva
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management, Academic Director, Bachelor of Management Program
Olga Leonidovna Garanina
Olga Leonidovna Garanina
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Tatyana Nikolaevna Klemina
Tatyana Nikolaevna Klemina
Senior Lecturer, Head, Department of Strategic and International Management
Klishevich Daria Sergeevna
Klishevich Daria Sergeevna
Assistant Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Anastasiya Kirillovna Laskovaya
Anastasiya Kirillovna Laskovaya
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Andrey Yurievich Panibratov
Andrey Yurievich Panibratov
Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management. Director, Center for Russian Multinationals and Global Business
Sergey Alexandrovich Starov
Sergey Alexandrovich Starov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Strategic and International Management
Olga Rafailovna Verkhovskaya
Olga Rafailovna Verkhovskaya
Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management
Rafik Smara
Rafik Smara
Assistant of the Department of Strategic and International Management

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