The Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Mikhail Kotyukov, a member of the Advisory Board of the GSOM SPbU, visited Mikhailovskaya Dacha to discuss strategic cooperation between the region and the Business School
On May 31, the second meeting of the Council of the Additional Educational Program of professional retraining "Master of Business Administration" took place at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) this academic year
On June 1, an anniversary online reunion of the 2014 graduates of the master’s program of the Graduate School of Management of SPbU “10 Years After!” took place
The XXVIII Drucker Awards ceremony was held at the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus of the GSOM SPbU. This year, the guests of the student “Oscar” ceremony got to Broadway: into the world of creativity and behind stage intrigues
On May 24, the X annual scientific conference "PPP in the field of transport: models and experience" was held at GSOM SPbU. Traditionally, the event brought together representatives of the academic environment, business, professional and banking communities to discuss the prospects for the development of public-private partnership in Russia
On May 23, 2024, Yury Blagov, Director of the CSR Center at GSOM SPbU, took part in the plenary session of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference “Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics” as an invited speaker.
On May 20, 2024, the Center for Corporate Social Responsibility at GSOM SPbU held a series of events dedicated to issues of integrated reporting.
According to the Monitoring of Entrepreneurial Activity prepared by the GSOM SPbU, in 2023 businessmen rate the opportunities for starting a business in the regions more highly than last year: 38.4% agreed that in their region there will be favorable conditions for starting a business in the next 6 months
On May 17, Tele2 Company Day was held at the GSOM SPbU for applicants and students of the city. On the territory of the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus, St. Petersburg students of all levels of education were able to get acquainted with the world of telecommunications. In addition, high school students received the necessary information about admission to GSOM SPbU, and students learned about career opportunities at Tele2
In 2024, SPbU will launch a double degree programme with Fudan University (China) as part of its strategic goal to develop international cooperation.
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